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What is the meaning of "ノルマ (noruma)" often used in sales? Paraphrases and English expressions are also introduced.

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Woman in sales to a business partner

'Oh, I didn't make my ノルマ today!'
"I've got 15 ノルマ's this month! Gotta keep up the good work."

Have you ever heard this kind of conversation from salespeople or salespeople? ノルマ (noruma) is a common term used in the Japanese business world, especially in sales and marketing. ノルマ achievement is very important to get the job done. However, if you do not understand the meaning and usage of the term ノルマ correctly, you may not be able to communicate well.

In this article, we will explain in detail the meaning and etymology of ノルマ, paraphrase expressions and thesauruses, English expressions, example sentences of usage, and notes on business. By reading this article, you will be able to correctly understand the term "ノルマ" and use it effectively in business situations.

Another term commonly used in the business world is "展開する". If you would like to know the meaning and usage of "展開する," please refer to the following article.
▶︎ Business x Japanese What does "deploy" mean? Paraphrases and thesauruses

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What is the meaning, origin and English expression of ノルマ (noruma)?

The term ノルマ originally comes from the Russian word norma. It is believed that Japanese interned in Siberia after World War II brought this Russian word back to Japan. The Russian word "norma" means "standard" or "norm. In other words, ノルマ is a word for a certain standard or goal.

The meaning of ノルマ in Japanese can be explained as follows.

  1. A standard workload or sales target assigned to an individual or group to be achieved within a certain period of time.
  2. The amount of work or task or goal assigned to each person. For example, "Achieve ノルマ for the month".

To express ノルマ in English, we say "a work quota" or "a sales quota." Quota" is an English word meaning "quota" or "ノルマ".

Knowing the etymology will help you better understand the meaning behind the term ノルマ. Knowing the English expression will also be helpful when working in a global business environment.

ノルマ (noruma) synonyms and paraphrases

An expression that can be used in place of the word "ノルマ" is to replace the words "assignment" and "ノルマ" with the Japanese word "quota".

However, the word "quota" is not often used in the Japanese business scene, perhaps because it is a katakana word. When using a paraphrase expression, it is important to choose the appropriate word for the person or situation.

How to use ノルマ (noruma) in business, example sentences

Let's look at some specific examples of how the term ノルマ is used in real business situations.

How to use ノルマ in business situations, example sentences (1)

When talking about this month's contract goals in a sales meeting

Our contract goal for the month is 20 contracts."
→"We have 20 contracts ノルマ this month."

The latter clearly communicates the goal to be achieved by using the term ノルマ.

How to use ノルマ in business situations, example sentences (2)

When talking with colleagues about efforts to achieve ノルマ

I'm implementing my own sales techniques to achieve my goals."
→I'm implementing my own sales techniques to achieve ノルマ."

The use of the term ノルマ conveys more clearly the desire to achieve the goal.

Quotas are often used in business, such as when selling something or a target value for production. Please refer to the following examples of its use in business situations.

ノルマ (noruma) notes on business usage

The term ノルマ is a common expression widely used in the business world, so there are no special caveats to its use. However, it is important to take care not to put too much pressure on a person to achieve ノルマ.

If the term ノルマ is used too often, it may give the impression that the atmosphere in the company is all about numbers, and we should value more essential goals such as high quality work and improvement of customer satisfaction as well as the achievement of ノルマ.

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    The term ノルマ is derived from the Russian word "norma" and means "standard" or "norm." In Japanese, ノルマ is used to describe an individual or group goal or workload to be achieved within a certain period of time. ノルマ has analogues such as "quota" and "quota," which are expressed in English as "a work quota" and "a sales quota. sales quota.

    ノルマ is an important word frequently used in Japanese business situations such as sales and marketing. Understanding its meaning and usage correctly and using it appropriately will help you communicate more smoothly with your colleagues.

    We hope that through this article, you will gain a better understanding of the term "ノルマ" and be able to use it in your business life. while being aware of ノルマ, always put your customers' satisfaction first and improve the quality of your work.

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