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Inquiry (Recruitment Support/International Student Support)

Our media are used by users from more than 100 countries around the world and provide a wide range of support to international students, foreign residents, and Japanese companies. To find the service that best suits your needs and objectives, and to ensure that you receive the best support, please select your inquiry from the categories below.

    Inquiry Type*
    symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position or because of censorship)About Online Salon
    Email Address*
    Company Name*
    Department name (optional)
    Job title (optional)
    Position Name*
    Number of applicants*
    duty station*
    employment status*
    Requirements for Applicants*
    Required Skills*
    Japanese level (JLPT N2, etc.)*
    job offer
    school's name*
    URL of the school's official website*
    Preferred Student Nationality*
    Referral fee per person*
    Date of Birth*
    (present) address*
    Phone number*
    last educational background*
    What you want from study abroad support*
    When do you wish to study abroad?*
    Visa Type*
    Certificates (passport, ID, diploma, resume, work history: maximum total of 5)*
    Desired Industry / Occupation*
    Japanese level (JLPT, etc.)*
    Preferred Work Location*
    desired annual income*
    Current address (domestic or international)*
    Visa Status*
    Resume/CV/Resume/Portfolio (PDF only)*
    Inquiry Details*
    The personal information you provide will be used for the "Privacy Policy." The information will be properly managed in accordance with the description in Section 3.1.1. In addition, we may send informational e-mails, including advertisements, to the e-mail address you provide.
    Goandup Picks for Expats > Inquiry (Recruitment Support/International Student Support)