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What does "根回し (nemawashi)" mean in Business x Japanese? Paraphrases and English expressions are also explained.

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Women doing 根回し

You often hear the phrase "根回し (nemawashi)" in everyday conversation and in business situations. But what does "根回し" actually mean?

In this article, we will explain in detail the meaning and etymology of "根回し," its usage in business situations, paraphrased expressions, and even thesauruses, in an easy-to-understand manner for non-Japanese. Please refer to this article to facilitate communication and business with Japanese people.

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What does "根回し (nemawashi)" mean?

The term "根回し" was originally used in the planting and bonsai world. It refers to the process of breaking up the roots and softening the soil in advance when replanting a plant so that the roots can acclimate to the soil properly. In other words, it means to prepare and prep the plants well in advance for their growth.

The "根回し" used in business and daily conversation has a similar meaning,To consult with, persuade, and create an environment for all parties involved in advance to make things go smoothly.This refers to the following. Before a meeting or business meeting, it is important to hear the opinions of those involved and to persuade those who have opposing views, so that the discussion on the day will go smoothly.

In the Japanese business community, "根回し" is considered very important. This is because Japanese corporate culture tends to value consensus building. When making decisions, it is essential to obtain the approval of as many people as possible, so prior 根回し is indispensable.

However, there is a caveat to 根回し as well: its sole purpose is to facilitate things. It should not be used as a tool to force one's opinion. It is also not good to rely too much on 根回し. It is also important to make decisions at the right time.

For non-Japanese, "根回し" may be a business practice unique to Japan, but since the essence of "根回し" is communication and coordination, it is a skill that can be used in global business situations. If you use it well, you will be able to expand the scope of your work.

What is the English expression corresponding to the Japanese "根回し"?

There are several ways to say "根回し" in English. It is useful to remember phrases that can be used in business situations.

(1) lay the groundwork

The first one is "lay the groundwork." The word "groundwork" means "foundation" or "foundation," and "lay the groundwork" gives the nuance of "do the prep work" or "do 根回し.

For example, you can use "I'll lay the groundwork for the project before the meeting."

(2) pave the way

The second expression is "pave the way." pave" means "to pave," so "pave the way" gives the nuance of "pave the way (for things to go smoothly)." In other words, "pave the way for a smooth negotiation" can be used to mean "do 根回し for a smooth negotiation.

(3) build consensus

The third is "build consensus." consensus" means "agreement" or "consensus," and "build consensus" means "build consensus." Gathering participants' opinions and building consensus before a meeting is exactly what "根回し" is all about.

Use something like "We need to build consensus among stakeholders before the meeting."

(4) behind-the-scenes negotiation

You should also remember the expression "behind-the-scenes." With "behind-the-scenes" it means "behind the scenes" or "behind the scenes." behind-the-scenes negotiation" can be used to express "behind-the-scenes negotiations," i.e., "根回し."

Example sentences and usage of "根回し (nemawashi)"

Now that you understand the meaning of "nepotism," let's look at some example sentences of "nepotism" and how it is used.

Example sentence (1) "彼は根回しがうまい"

In the workplace, you might witness a colleague skillfully laying the groundwork. In such a situation, try saying, "彼は根回しがうまいね" (He is good at nemawashi). "根回しが上手" (Being skilled at nemawashi) is one of the highly valued abilities for a business person.

Example (2) "来週の会議までに根回ししておいて"

When instructing subordinates to conduct nemawashi, it's good to say something like "来週の会議までに、関係各所への根回しをしっかりやっておいて" (Make sure to thoroughly conduct nemawashi with all related parties before next week's meeting). Nemawashi is a crucial preparatory task that holds the key to the success of meetings and negotiations.

Example (3) "まずは社内の関係部署への根回しから始めよう"

When launching a project, you can say something like "まずは社内の関係部署への根回しから始めよう" (Let's start by conducting nemawashi with the relevant internal departments). Smooth project management requires thorough nemawashi in advance.

Example (4) "彼に頼み事をする前に、ちょっと根回ししておいたほうがいい"

In everyday conversations, try using "根回し" like this: "彼に頼み事をする前に、ちょっと根回ししておいたほうがいいかも" (Before asking him for a favor, it might be better to do a little groundwork first). It can express gauging someone's mood or making preparations in advance.

"根回し (nemawashi)" Paraphrases and thesauruses

There are several words in Japanese that have a similar meaning to "根回し". It is useful to know these words so that you can use them in different situations.

Paraphrasing "根回し (nemawashi)" (1) "下相談" , "下準備"

"下相談 (prior consultation, shita soudan)" and "下準備 (advance preparation, shita junbi)" are used with almost the same meaning as "根回し". The word "下" carries the nuance of "in advance" or "internally," with "下相談" representing "prior consultation" and "下準備" representing "advance preparation". These words accurately express the essential elements of "根回し," which are "preparation and adjustment in advance".

Paraphrasing "根回し (nemawashi)" (2) "事前にコンセンサスを得る"

"コンセンサス (konsensasu)" is the katakana version of the English word "consensus," meaning "agreement" or "general agreement." "事前にコンセンサスを得る (obtain consensus in advance, jizen ni konsensasu wo eru)" means to gain the agreement of all parties involved before proceeding with a matter. This can be said to directly express one of the purposes of "根回し," which is "building consensus." This expression is often used in business situations.

To learn more about the term "コンセンサス (konsensasu)," be sure to check out the related articles below.

◆Related Articles:What does consensus mean? Example sentences and usage explained.

This article details the meaning, usage, and example sentences of the word "コンセンサス," which is often used in business situations. You should be able to correctly understand the expression "事前にコンセンサスを得る."

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    "根回し (nemawashi)" is a concept deeply rooted in Japanese business culture and represents the advance coordination and preparation that is essential for things to go smoothly.

    In this article, we have explained in detail the meaning and etymology of "根回し," its usage in business situations, and specific example sentences. We have also discussed how to express "根回し" in English and paraphrased expressions with similar meanings.

    "根回し" is often thought of as a uniquely Japanese business practice, but its essence is "smooth communication and coordination. This is an essential element for successful business across countries and cultures.

    For non-Japanese, understanding and practicing the concept of "根回し" will be a great help in smoothly conducting business with Japanese. 根回し" is not just a business skill, but also an expression of the Japanese culture of respect and smooth communication with others.

    When practicing "根回し" in business situations, please refer to the example sentences and paraphrased expressions introduced in this article. It will surely help you communicate more smoothly with Japanese people.

    If you want to know more about ◆Business Japanese, check out the following articles!

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