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What is the Japanese meaning of "capacitated"? Usage, example sentences, and paraphrased expressions.

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The term "capacity" or its abbreviation "capa" is frequently used in everyday conversation as well as in business situations. Understanding the exact meaning of these terms and learning how to use them appropriately will help you communicate more smoothly in a variety of situations.

This article details the detailed meaning of "capacity," alternative paraphrases and analogies, and specific examples of its use. By remembering the points presented here, you will be able to use "capacity" in your daily conversations and business situations.

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What does the Japanese word "capacity" mean?

The word "capacity" comes from the English word "capacity" and has essentially the same meaning. It is usually shortened to "capa," which is also used.

The term is often used to indicate the maximum amount that a space or object can hold, but it is also used to describe a person's capacity or potential. It is used in a wide range of meanings, from the physical to the abstract, such as "capacity," "carrying capacity," "degree," and "talent."

Reference:Weblio English-Japanese and Japanese-English Dictionaries

It can also be used to mean being beyond the carrying capacity for an object or room, or to mean being beyond the intellectual capacity or understanding of a person.

For example, the "capacity" of a given venue refers to the number of people that can be accommodated there, while when used for a person, it can also refer to his or her potential or the limits of his or her ability to perform a task. As these examples show, "capacity" is used not only to express a numerical value, but also to indicate an individual's inner capabilities and potential for growth.

In the business world, consideration of a project's "capacity" is an important indicator of whether or not the project will be successful. Similarly, in personal career development, awareness of "capacity" is the foundation for personal growth and achievement of goals.

Thus, "capacity" is a term with a deeper meaning beyond mere numbers and capacities. It has a very wide range of applications, from the capacity of physical space to a person's psychological and intellectual capacities. Whenever you see or hear this word in everyday life or in business, you will sense the breadth and depth behind it.

Paraphrases and synonyms for capacity

The word "capacity" has a variety of paraphrases and analogies. These should be used according to context.

  • capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.): Used especially to refer to the capacity of a place to accommodate people.
  • Feature: It represents the role or capability that a certain object or system can play.
  • ability: Used to indicate an individual's level of competence and skill.
  • (real) abilityIt is the ability to actually show up in action and results.
  • skill: Indicates an individual's level in a particular skill or ability.
  • capacity: used to refer to the amount of a substance that can be contained.

Appropriate use of these words allows for more accurate and richer expression.

Notes on the use of capacities in business situations

When using the term "capacity" in business situations, it is important to choose an expression appropriate to the context. In particular, when using the term "capa" for short, it is important to choose the right word for the situation, as it may give a casual impression.

  • Although abbreviations can be used to create a sense of familiarity, they should not be used in official or written situations.
  • For superiors and outside business partners, use the exact form of "capacity" or choose a more formal paraphrase.

In business communication, such attention to detail in language is required to show respect to others and maintain a professional impression.

If you want to know more about ◆Business Japanese, check out the following articles!

Usage and examples of business genealogy of capacities

The word "capacity" is used in a variety of ways in our daily lives and in business situations. Let us introduce its usage with some more specific examples.

How to use capacities in business, example sentences (1)

When talking about the capacity of a venue:

This hall has a capacity for up to 500 people."
→ This statement indicates that the hall can accommodate up to 500 people.

How to use capacities in business, example sentences (2)

Time to get in touch with personal potential:

Her potential is unknown. She has a really big capacity."
→ Here she is expressing her potential to accomplish great things in the future.

How to use capacities in business, example sentences (3)

When stating the size of a project in a business setting:

This project appears to be demanding unexpected capacity."
→They emphasize that the demands of the project far exceeded their initial expectations.

How to use capacities in business, example sentences (4)

When describing the physical capacity of a product:

This new electric vehicle has a large battery capacity that can travel more than 500 kilometers on a single charge."
→This indicates the length of distance a car can travel on a single charge.

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This article details the meaning, usage, example sentences, and paraphrased expressions and thesauruses of the word "capacity. The word "capacity" is useful in a variety of situations, not only in business, but also in everyday life. Understanding its precise usage and using it in the right context will make your communication clearer and more effective.

Capacity is often used not only in business situations but also in everyday conversation. Please learn how to use it and try to apply it in various situations.

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    Goandup Picks for Expats > Japanese Language Study > Basic Japanese and Daily Conversation > What is the Japanese meaning of "capacitated"? Usage, example sentences, and paraphrased expressions.