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What does the business term "ペルソナ (perusona)" mean? Usage, example sentences, and paraphrases explained.

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ペルソナ setting during the meeting.

The term "ペルソナ (perusona)" is often heard in the business world, and its use is found primarily in the field of marketing. However, its specific meaning and usage may sometimes seem ambiguous.

This article explains the business term "ペルソナ" from its meaning, actual usage, paraphrased expressions and thesauruses, with example sentences. Learn to use this term more effectively in business situations.

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What does the Japanese term "ペルソナ (perusona)" mean?

The term "ペルソナ" has different meanings in common use and in business usage. Be sure to understand this difference so that you can use it appropriately in a business context.

General "ペルソナ (perusona)" meaning

In everyday life, many people may think of the term "ペルソナ" to refer to a character or role in a play. It is also sometimes used in psychology as a technical term to refer to the outwardly visible personality or social aspects of a person. This use in culture and psychology is less common in the business world.

Meaning of the business term "ペルソナ (perusona)"

On the other hand, "ペルソナ" as a business term refers to a detailed profile or persona that represents the ideal group of customers who would purchase a product or service. This is a concept used to define a targeted group of customers when launching a new product or service to the market. More specific than a simple "target," it captures the specific characteristics of a customer's age, gender, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, purchase motives, and other characteristics of a person who is likely to purchase a product or service.

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What is the English expression corresponding to "ペルソナ (perusona)"?

The business term "ペルソナ" in English is "marketing persona," "buyer persona," "customer persona" and so on. They all have roughly the same meaning, so you can use whatever you like.

Example sentences and usage of "ペルソナ (perusona)" in business

Now that you understand the meaning of the business term "ペルソナ," let's look at how to actually utilize this term. Here are some specific examples of how "ペルソナ" is used in business situations through example sentences.

Example 1. "In marketing, the ペルソナ setting is important."

This example sentence emphasizes the importance of clearly setting an ideal customer profile, or "ペルソナ," in marketing activities. The phrase "ペルソナ setting is important" teaches that the key to success is to tailor your products and services to your target customers.

As business Japanese, this expression is frequently used when discussing product development and marketing strategies.

Example 2. "What is the ペルソナ setting for this item?"

The purpose of this question is to identify what customer groups the specific product or service is targeting. It is used in business meetings and product development discussions to ask, "What is the ペルソナ setting for this product?" to confirm a common understanding within the team and verify that the product meets customer expectations.

It is important to understand this expression as a specific example of the use of "ペルソナ" in business Japanese. It is useful for properly positioning your product or service in the marketplace and developing a strategy that meets the needs of your target customers.

Paraphrases and thesauruses for "ペルソナ (perusona)"

When discussing business communications and marketing strategies, different expressions may be used to describe the same concept. In this section, we will look at paraphrases and analogies of the term "ペルソナ".

1. "User Image" and "Customer Image"

The term "image" means "picture. Thus, terms such as "user image" and "customer image" refer to specific characteristics of an ideal individual or group of individuals who would use a product or service, and are used in the same way as "ペルソナ." These terms are used to describe concepts very similar to "ペルソナ" and are useful in marketing and product development to specifically indicate the characteristics and preferences of a particular group.

2. "Target"

The term "target," like "ペルソナ," is also used in the context of marketing and product development, but differs in that it often refers to a broader group of customers, a broad target customer group rather than a detailed portrait of a person. However, its basic intent is similar to "ペルソナ" in that it identifies a specific group of customers to whom a product or service should be directed.

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    This article explains the meaning and usage of the business term "ペルソナ" as well as paraphrased expressions and analogies. The term is particularly important in the context of marketing and product development, where it is essential to develop a detailed picture of the ideal customer and tailor strategies to target customers. Understanding the difference between such synonyms as "user image" and "customer image" and the term "target" will broaden the scope of your business communications.

    Deepening this knowledge is extremely beneficial for foreigners learning business Japanese to deepen their understanding of the Japanese market and customers. Learning business Japanese is important for improving communication skills in business situations, as a single choice of words can make the presentation of a product or service more resonant or change the approach to a target customer base.

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