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What does "Itadakimasu" mean in Japanese? An easy-to-understand explanation with example sentences

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The Japanese word "Itadakimasu" is one of the most difficult words for foreigners learning Japanese to understand because of its unique meaning and usage. More than just a greeting, it is a word of deep gratitude and symbolizes a uniquely Japanese culture and courtesy.

In this article, we will explain the meaning and usage of "Itadakimasu" and how to write it in kanji characters, with specific example sentences. Itadakimasu" also introduces the correct manners and etiquette for using "Itadakimasu" in an easy-to-understand manner.

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What are the three meanings and uses of "Itadakimasu" in Japanese?

For the word "Itadakimasu",

  1. Words to say when eating
  2. Polite ways of saying "I'll get it" and "I'll receive it
  3. Polite way of saying "I will

There are three different meanings of

1. what to say when eating

When eating rice,Appreciate the foodItadakimasu" means "Itadakimasu" in Japanese. The word "Itadakimasu" has the meaning of expressing gratitude for the lives of animals and fish that served as ingredients, as well as for the people who prepared the food.

2. Polite ways of saying "I will receive" and "I will receive

You can say "Itadakimasu" as a polite way of saying "I will receive" or "I will take it," meaning "I will take it." In this case, rice is not involved and can be used to receive anything.

A more polite way of saying "Itadakimasu" is "Tobokusan desu" ("I will give it to you") or "Tobokusan desu" ("I will receive it"). However, since this is a very polite way of saying it, it is often unnatural to use it in everyday conversation.

3. Polite way of saying "I will

Adding "~asasasemitasimasu" to the end of a verb makes it more polite than "~shimasu". For example, "行きます" for "I will go" and "取ります" for "I will let you take".

How do I write "I will receive" in kanji?

The word "I will receive" is often written in hiragana, but when written in kanji, it is "have (on top)" or "have (as one's leader)The meaning of both is almost the same, but "戴く" has a more polite nuance. The meaning of both is almost the same, but "戴く" has a more polite nuance.

Since "戴く" is not a regular Kanji character, it should not be used in official business documents.

Three variants of "Itadakimasu

Like other Japanese words, "Itadakimasu" changes its form in the past tense and potential form. Let's learn the variant forms of "Itadakimasu" so that we can use it correctly.

1. the past tense is "I received".

The past tense of "Itadakimasu" is "I got it. It is the same as the past tense of common verbs, so it is not particularly difficult.

2. the possible forms are "I can have it" and "I can have it.

The possible forms corresponding to "can" and "able to" in English are "I can have" or "I can have.

In the same way that "I write." is changed to "I can write.", "I will receive" is changed to "you can receive" and "masu" is added at the end to indicate politeness.

Also, adding "can be" after "will receive" to "can receive" has the same meaning as "will receive. Please note that "Itadakimasu kottegawari narimasu" is incorrect.

To learn more about the Japanese possible forms, we recommend the following article!
▶︎ Explains how to make Potential Forms (Potential Forms in Japanese), grammar and usage! | Goandup Picks

3. when inviting someone to join you, say "let's have it" or "let's have it".

When inviting someone to eat or receive something from you, you say, "Let's have it" or "Itadakimasho. Another example is "Itadakimasu ka?" and so on have the same meaning.

Example sentences using "Itadakimasu

Now that you understand the meaning of "Itadakimasu," here are some basic examples of how to use "Itadakimasu" in conversation.

Let's have it then, ladies and gentlemen.

Itadakimasu" used when eating a meal is rarely expressed as a sentence, and it is common to simply say "Itadakimasu". However, when urging others to eat, it can be expressed as a sentence, such as "Then, everyone, let's have it.

I have a gift for you." "I will take advice from my teacher."

Here is an example sentence used as a polite way of saying "I will receive" and "I will receive". They are polite expressions for "I received a gift" and "I received advice from the teacher," respectively.

I will contact you tomorrow and take this seat."

Here is an example sentence when used as a polite expression of "I will ~. They are polite expressions for "I will contact you tomorrow" and "I will sit in this seat," respectively.

Proper etiquette and manners of saying "Itadakimasu" at meals

Itadakimasu" when eating rice is not difficult to do, but foreigners who have just arrived in Japan may feel uneasy about whether they are doing it properly. Let us review the correct way to say "Itadakimasu" here.

1. both hands together

It is more polite to clasp your hands together in front of your chest just before or at the same time you say "Itadakimasu". However, it is rarely considered rude not to clasp hands. When clasping hands, do so quietly and avoid making clapping noises.

Say "Itadakimasu" (Itadakimasu means "Itadakimasu" in Japanese)

When you put your hands together, say "Itadakimasu" (Thank you for the food). It is not necessary to say it too loudly, but just loud enough not to bother the people around you.

3. bow slightly

If you wish to perform the ritual more politely, you may want to bow slightly when you say "Itadakimasu.

For those of you who want to further your studies at a Japanese language school

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Itadakimasu" is a very Japanese way of saying thank you to the food and the person who prepared it before eating. When eating in Japan, saying "Itadakimasu" will give the impression that you are a polite person around you, and it is also a good way to experience Japanese culture.

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    Goandup Picks for Expats > Japanese Language Study > Basic Japanese and Daily Conversation > What does "Itadakimasu" mean in Japanese? An easy-to-understand explanation with example sentences