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What does "Tatakidate" mean in Business x Japanese? Paraphrases and example sentences are also introduced.

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A smiling man explains the meaning of "たたき台".

Japanese in the business world often has meanings other than those found in dictionaries. This article introduces the meaning of the term "たたき台".

This article is intended to help the reader easily understand how to read "たたき台", what it means, how to paraphrase it, how to use it in business situations, and example sentences, so please read carefully and remember the meaning of "たたき台"!

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."Basic meaning and reading of "たたき台


Readings:たたき台 (tatakidai)
Meaning:A draft, draft, or trial draft. An early stage of development that has not yet been put into concrete form.
Example sentence:Create a たたき台 for the proposed project."

たたき台" refers to a plan or idea at the beginning, it doesn't have to be perfect, just something like this to start with. It doesn't have to be perfect.

The "たたき台"Origin of the word

The term "たたき台" sounds odd, doesn't it? Actually, the term refers to the stand used by blacksmiths in the old days when making swords. Since steel was beaten to shape on this stand, it came to mean unfinished or prototype.

What is the English expression corresponding to "たたき台"? 

The English expression for "たたき台" is as follows.

  • draft
  • tentative plan

In English, words similar to the meaning of "たたき台" are "draft" and "tentative plan," where "draft" means "draft" and "tentative plan" means "tentative plan.

All "drafts, drafts, and trial drafts" introduced in the meaning of たたき台 can be expressed by "draft. Since the word is unique to the Japanese language, there are situations where a direct translation would be difficult to convey the meaning, but it is important to choose one that fits the context by referring to the English expressions above.

To learn more about business Japanese, check out the following articles!

Examples of "たたき台" in business situations


たたき台" (Tatakidai) is used in the same way in business.

Example sentence 1:Let's build on this たたき台 and move forward with the project."
Example 2:I'd like to share some ideas during the たたき台 phase."
Example 3:I will send you the material as たたき台 first."

Let's all think about the ideas that just came to mind!"
This plan, still in the beginning stages, but we can all make it better!"

It is used to share ideas and plans for the first time, such as

Scenes in which it should not be used and why


There are no specific situations in which "たたき台" should not be used, but since it is a relatively informal expression, it is best to refrain from using it when communicating with business partners or people outside the company.

Scene Example:"I made a たたき台 for the project we did the other day." → "I made a draft of the project the other day."
Reason:Since "たたき台" sounds casual, it is more appropriate to use words such as "draft" in formal settings.

."たたき台" synonyms and paraphrases


In situations where it is not appropriate to use the term "たたき台" directly, or when a variety of expressions are to be attempted, it can be rephrased as follows.

  • Original plan:A slightly more formal expression than たたき台. Indicates the initial proposal or idea stage.
    • Example:We would like to proceed with our discussions based on this draft."
  • Draft:It is similar to たたき台 and the draft, but suggests that more specific details are being compiled.
    • Example:The draft will be used as the basis for the final version."
  • Trial plan:A trial draft. Similar in meaning to the draft and たたき台.
    • Example:I have prepared a draft for your review."
  • Draft:The English word "draft" is sometimes used as it is, meaning a first draft or a rough draft.
    • Example:We need your feedback to help us complete the draft."

When using these words, choose the best words, taking into account the context and the position of the other party.

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    たたき台" is a word frequently used in the Japanese business world, meaning a draft, a draft, or a rough draft. Originally, it comes from "dai," which is used to beat a sword or metal into shape, and has the nuance of referring to the initial stage or material before something is created. In English, it has a meaning similar to "draft" or "tentative plan.

    However, care should be taken not to use it in communication with people outside the company, as it is too casual. As a unique Japanese expression, understanding this "たたき台" and using it in appropriate situations will make communication smoother.

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