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What does the Japanese word "monde" (monde) mean? How to use it in business, example sentences and thesaurus.

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In Japanese business situations, you may hear the expressions "monde" (monde) and "momu" (momu), but do you know what exactly these words mean and in what context they are used?

The first thing many people think of is a physical action, such as a literal "shoulder rub". In business communication, however, these expressions have very different meanings.

In this article, we will introduce the exact meaning, usage, and thesaurus of "monde" and "momu" in business situations, as well as points to be aware of, along with a wealth of example sentences, for non-Japanese speakers. Through this article, deepen your understanding of business Japanese and learn to use "monde" naturally in actual conversation.

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What does monde (monde) mean and what are the synonyms?

Frequently used in business situations, "monde" is a figurative expression derived from the action of "rubbing" in the physical sense. It is primarily used to refer to the process of reviewing, adjusting, and refining the details of a matter or project within a business partner or team. This expression plays an important role in business communication, along with the following similes and synonyms

  • Consider: refers to the process of examining and considering information and proposals in detail.
  • Coordinate: means activities to harmonize different opinions and conditions to reach a common solution.
  • Improve: indicates modification or improvement of an existing idea or plan to make it even better.

Thus, "momu de" is a useful expression used to facilitate communication in business situations. Let's dig deeper and see how the action "momu" (rub) is used figuratively in business.

Meaning and usage of "momu

Although "tsukumu" generally refers to a physical action, in business it is sometimes used to "knead" or "dig deeper" into an idea or problem, and expressions such as "tsukumu" are used to indicate sharing ideas and seeking solutions in a team setting. This figurative usage plays an important role in encouraging flexibility and creativity in business communication.

The act of "wringing" originally meant applying gentle pressure with the hands to relieve muscle tension, but in a business context, it has been applied as a metaphor to encourage deeper reflection on a project or issue, or meaningful discussion within a team. Understanding this evolving usage is of great value for effective communication.

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What is "rub it in (mondemorau)" used in business situations?

So far, we have seen how "monde" and its analogues are used in the process of communication and problem solving in business communication. These expressions play an important role in sharing ideas and moving projects forward.

But in business, furthermore, it is equally important to actively incorporate outside opinions and expertise. This is where the expression "getting the rub" comes in.

Meaning and usage of "rub it in"

In business, "rubbing it in" is an expression used when seeking feedback or advice from others. This process involves leveraging outside perspectives and expertise to propose a new project or find a solution to an existing challenge. For example, when a team is considering a new marketing strategy, having an industry expert "rub" the idea in your face may help you develop a more refined strategy. In this way, incorporating outside insights can help a team gain new perspectives and find more effective approaches to solving problems.

Example sentence 1: The idea for the new web service was "rubbed" by IT industry experts, and the functionality was improved based on their feedback. As a result, users appreciated the service more.

Example 2:As a startup, we "rubbed" our business plan with experienced entrepreneurs before launching our first product and found that our sales strategy could use significant improvement.

Things to keep in mind when using MONDE

The phrase "mon de" is very useful in business situations, but it is important to be mindful of its proper usage. It is especially useful in interactions with business partners and people outside of the industry, but its use within the company requires some consideration. It is best used in a more relaxed environment or with colleagues or subordinates with whom you have a more casual relationship.

It is also important to remember that the term "monde" is not familiar to all people. In particular, younger employees and those still new to business Japanese may be unfamiliar with the term. Therefore, you should sense whether the person with whom you are interacting understands the term and then decide whether to use it.

Example sentences for MONDE (MONDE) in business situations

Specific examples of business situations utilizing "monde" Let's look at how "monde" should be used in actual business interactions through some specific examples. The following examples will help you use "monde" effectively and facilitate communication.

Example sentence 1: To inform the consideration of a case

We will take the time to review your proposal internally."
→I will be sure to take a good look at your proposal.

Example 2: To report an adjustment of conditions

We have worked out the details with the team on the terms of this project."
→Our team has been hard at work on the terms and conditions of this project."

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    In this article, we have discussed the expression "monde," which is commonly used in Japanese business communication. These words are used metaphorically to describe the process of reviewing, adjusting, and improving a case, apart from their physical meaning, in business situations.

    Through the article, you will understand the exact meaning and usage of "monde" and improve your communication skills in business Japanese by acquiring this knowledge. This will enable you to use these expressions naturally and effectively in business conversations.

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