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What is the Japanese word "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)"? Meaning, Paraphrase, and English Expression

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The Japanese language in business situations where the meaning found in a dictionary is sometimes not enough. Among them, the expression "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)" is a useful word used in a variety of situations, derived from the fact that the sum of the numbers is zero.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning of "プラマイゼロ" and introduce a wide range of usage in business situations, example sentences, paraphrased expressions, and even how to express yourself in English. It may be a familiar word, but understanding exactly how to use it and its nuances will enable you to communicate more effectively.

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The meaning of "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)" is an abbreviation for XX

The meaning of "プラマイゼロ" is, at first glance, a simple abbreviation for "プラスマイナスゼロ (plusminuszero)," literally referring to the state in which "plus" and "minus" cancel each other out to become "zero. However, this expression is not limited to numbers; it is used in a variety of situations, including business results, balance in relationships, and emotional ups and downs. In business, the term "プラマイゼロ" is sometimes used, especially in evaluating the profitability of a project, analyzing the results versus the cost of labor, and offsetting the merits and demerits within a team.

What is the English equivalent of "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)"?

The English equivalent of "プラマイゼロ" may vary depending on the context and nuance of the phrase, but generally the phrase "come out even" or "not get any losses" is used.

The word "プラマイゼロ" in English means "equal" or "balanced", and "not get any losses" means "not get any losses". The English word "even" means "equal" or "balanced," and "not get any losses" means "no losses. These are directly related to the concept of "プラマイゼロ".

Example sentence:

  • It will come out even, in any case. → In any case, the result will be plamai zero.
  • We will not get any losses in either case.

Usage and example sentences of "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)"

The use of "プラマイゼロ" is an especially useful expression in business situations. This term can be used to briefly describe a situation in which the results or effects did not meet expectations, but at the same time there were no significant losses.

Below is an example sentence using "プラマイゼロ".

Example sentence 1: 「今回のプロジェクトは、利益は大きかったけど経費もかなりかかったから、プラマイゼロだな。」
→This project was very profitable, but it also cost us a lot in expenses, so I guess we have to deduct zero."

Example 2: "It was a lot of work, but I think my people have grown, so it's a plus-minus for me."
→I think my subordinates have grown, so for me, I'm making ends meet."

As we reported earlier, "プラマイゼロ" means the following

  • Not that much gain, but not a big loss either.
  • There were bad events, but there were also good ones.

Even when there is actually some positive (or negative) and not completely zero, the term "プラマイゼロ" is sometimes used to mean "plus or minus (close to) zero".

Paraphrases of "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)" and their meanings

There are many alternative ways to say "プラマイゼロ," each with the same or similar meaning, for a variety of situations and nuances.

  • 足し引きゼロ (subtraction zero, tashihiki zero)
  • 差し引きゼロ (subtraction of zero, sashihiki zero)
  • 収支とんとん (having an income and expenditure of only a little, shuushi tonton)
  • とんとん (even, tonton)
  • 損得なし (no advantage and no disadvantage, sontoku nashi)
  • 相殺 (plus and minus equal zero, sousai)
  • チャラ (forgiving a debt ,chara)
  • 過不足ゼロexcess or deficien

The meaning of each is almost the same, and the term refers to "the state in which the plus and minus add up to zero.

About "Tonton"

The synonym "tonton" has multiple meanings.

When the term "ton ton" is used to refer to something relative, such as "income and expenditures" or "expenses and expenditures," it refers to the state of being "in balance.

The sound "tonton," which is a regular rhythm alternating from left to right, was turned into a word meaning "good tone" or "balanced," and became a word used as we know it today.

The "tonton" has the following uses.

  • Revenues and expenditures are in balance (i.e., expenditures and revenues are about the same).
  • It's moving along at a rapid pace... it's moving along smoothly and at a good pace.

When you should not use "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)".

There are no specific situations in which "プラマイゼロ" should not be used.

However, I would venture to say that it is best not to use it too often in situations where serious business interactions take place, such as in business dealings and contracts.

It is also safe to avoid using it in business e-mails. It is also not recommended to use "プラマイゼロ" in business emails, as it is a relatively casual expression.

The following are examples of usage scenarios and paraphrases that are safer to avoid.

Scene 1: When asking about the results of this project during a meeting with the executives,「利益と経費がプラマイゼロでした。」
→ "Profit and expenses were about the same."

Scene 2: Email with my business partner, Manager A: 「今回はお互いにプラマイゼロでしたね。」
→"Unfortunately, no big profits were generated this time, but we did not lose a lot of money and the results were very calm."

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    The meaning and usage of the term "プラマイゼロ" was introduced.

    • "プラマイゼロ" means "not much gain but not much loss" or "some good things happened while some bad things happened.
    • In English, expressions such as "come out even" and "not get any losses" are used.
    • "プラマイゼロ" is recommended to avoid in serious occasions and business emails

    Although "プラマイゼロ" can be paraphrased in a variety of ways, it is a relatively informal expression. It is recommended that you only use it in conversations within your company, with colleagues, or with people you are close to. Let's deepen our knowledge of the Japanese language in order to facilitate business more smoothly.

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    Goandup Picks for Expats > Japanese Language Study > Business Japanese > What is the Japanese word "プラマイゼロ (puramaizero)"? Meaning, Paraphrase, and English Expression