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List of commonly used Japanese slang! Explanation of usage with example sentences

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Living in Japan, you may encounter slang that is not learned in Japanese textbooks or classes, but is commonly used by Japanese people in everyday conversation. Some of these slangs change with the times and trends, while others are adopted into the dictionary as common words over time.

In this article, we will pick up some commonly used slang in Japan to make it more familiar to foreigners. Along with example sentences, we will also explain how to use them, so you can enjoy learning them. If you can understand these slangs and use them appropriately, you will be able to further deepen your understanding of the Japanese language and communicate more smoothly with Japanese people.

Let's learn Japanese slang!

Slang plays an important role everywhere in the world, giving a unique rhythm to conversation and enriching expression. Especially in Japan, it is helpful to understand basic slang to enhance your daily conversation. Learning them will make communication with Japanese people more exciting and more enjoyable. Therefore, it is recommended to know some slang. However, you should refrain from excessive use of fashionable words or using them in business situations, as they may make a bad impression. Choose the situation in which you will use it and try to use it appropriately.

List of established slang in Japan

The following is a list of slang that is relatively popular and widely accepted by Japanese people to be useful for foreigners living in Japan. These are slangs that are understood not only by young people but also by people of all ages.

Seriously / Really

  • Meaning:It means "really," and is slang originally derived from "serious."
  • Example:Really? (Really? "I'm really tired."

Super / Really

  • Meaning:It means "very" or "extremely," and is used for emphasis.
  • Example:It's super fun! (So much fun!)" It's so good! (It's so good!

(iii) Annoying (To be pissed off)

  • Meaning:It expresses feelings of irritation and annoyance.
  • Example: E.g., "I'm super pissed off (very pissed off)", "That boss, I'm pissed off (I hate that boss)".

(4) On the off chance / Just in case

  • Meaning:It is used when one is prepared to take a risk, meaning that there is no loss even if one fails.
  • Example:Confessing to someone when you know you can't.

Handsome / Good-looking guy

  • Meaning:It is an abbreviation of iketeru (nice) mens (men), a term used to describe men who are good looking.
  • Example:A-chan's boyfriend, he's so handsome (so cool)."

6) Ex-boyfriend / Ex-girlfriend

  • Meaning:A man (ex-boyfriend) or woman (ex-girlfriend) with whom you had a relationship in the past. It can also be referred to as "ex-lovers.
  • Example: E.g., "I can't get my ex-girlfriend out of my mind," or "I ran into my ex-boyfriend earlier."

(7) To microwave

  • Meaning:The act of microwaving food. The name comes from the sound of the microwave oven, "Ding! comes from the sound of a microwave oven.
  • Example:"Here's a side dish from the fridge, just pop it in the fridge and eat it (warm it up)."

(8) Dumb (Uncool / Tacky)

  • Meaning:It is used when fashion or behavior is out of date, as in not being in vogue, not looking good, or being outdated.
  • Example:"These clothes are so tacky.

(ix) To get hooked (To get hooked / To be addicted)

  • Meaning:It describes the state of being engrossed or enthusiastic about something. It is often used for hobbies and activities.
  • Example: E.g., "I've been addicted to this cake lately (it's delicious and I can't stop eating it)."

10) To get scared (To get scared / To freak out)

  • Meaning:It is used when one feels fear or anxiety, such as scared, surprised, or nervous.
  • Example: For example: "I almost had an accident and I was super scared! (I was so scared!)".

List of slang commonly used by young people

Unique slang is often used among young people in Japan. A grasp of these slangs will make your daily conversation more enjoyable.

Here are some slang words that are used daily among young people.

(1) Emotional / Touching

  • Meaning:Refers to a moment or thing that causes a touching, emotional or wistful feeling. The expression is used mainly among young people.
  • Example:The last scene of that movie was so emo! (It moved me!)"

(2) Crazy / Insane / Awesome

  • Meaning:Originally meaning "dangerous" or "a bad situation," the word is now often used in a positive sense, such as "great" or "wonderful.
  • Example: e.g. "This ramen is yummy! (This ramen is great! If you get involved with that person any more, you'll be in trouble.

What does "yabai" mean and how to use it? Explained in an easy-to-understand way for foreigners with example sentences.

Annoying / Irritating

  • Meaning:Short for "annoyance," it is used when one feels displeased with a person or thing. It is mainly used when one feels that a person's behavior or words are bothersome or annoying.
  • Example:The way he talks to me is really annoying, and his boss is super annoying.

4) Creepy (Creepy / Gross)

  • Meaning:It means "disgusting" and is used when one feels uncomfortable with the way something looks or acts. It is mainly used to express negative feelings.
  • Example:That bug was creepy (creepy), that character was creepy-cute (creepy but cute)."

(5) To diss (To diss / To badmouth)

  • Meaning:Short for "disrespect," it means to insult or speak ill of someone. It refers to a remark or attitude that demeans another person.
  • Example:Mr. A was dissing (bad-mouthing) Mr. B."

(6) To exaggerate / To spice up

  • meaning: To exaggerate a story, topic, or photo to make it look better than it actually is. Used especially on social networking sites to make oneself look better.
  • Example(You're exaggerating!)": "That story is definitely exaggerated! (You're exaggerating!" "This picture is great! (You look so cute in this picture!)"

(7) Google / Taggle (To google / To search online)

  • Meaning:To search for information on the Internet. A verbalization of "Google." Tagging refers to the act of searching for specific information through hashtags.
  • Example: E.g., "If you don't understand, Google it yourself / Tag it (look it up yourself)."

8) One chance (A chance / A slim chance)

  • Meaning:Short for "one chance," it refers to a single chance that something might succeed. It is primarily used in situations where it is unlikely but worth a try.
  • Example: e.g. "Maybe there's a chance! (There might be a chance!)"

nineor some such(Exactly / That's right)

  • Meaning:Used frequently on social networking sites and in everyday conversation, it is useful for strongly affirming the other person's words.
  • Example:The quality of animation these days is very high." That's it!"

10anyhow(For now / Firstly)

  • meaningIt is an abbreviation of "for the time being, well," and is useful for indicating a temporary action or decision before doing something, or for suggesting a tentative next action in a situation where a decision cannot be made immediately. It is often seen in everyday conversation and message exchanges.
  • ExampleWhere do you want to eat? Let's just go into a cafe and figure it out.

List of internet slang used in SNS and games

Specific slang is used in SNS and online games. Understanding these will make online communication smoother.

Here are some typical Internet slang.


  • Meaning:A symbol or abbreviation used to indicate laughing on the Internet or in message exchanges, especially in Japanese Internet slang, where the continuous use of "w" to indicate laughter is common. (It can also be conveyed with (Bakuhaku), which has fewer letters than (Bakuhaku).
  • Example:That seriously made me laugh [laughs]."

(ii) Kusa / www (LOL / That's funny)

  • Meaning:Slang for "laughter" because the sequence of "w's" used to mean "laugh" looks like grass. Also spelled "www.
  • Example:That's real grass (that's real funny)."

Crying / Tearful

  • meaning(笑): used to express emotion when touched by a sad event or an emotional scene, and like (笑), it is internet slang that has been in use for a long time. It is used in text messages and social networking sites to directly express emotions.
  • Example: "That movie makes me cry (weep) every time I see it."

(4) Ok (OK)

  • meaningThe word "ok" is used to indicate agreement or approval, and is used to more easily type the English expression "OK. It is especially used in chat rooms and message exchanges.
  • Example: "Tomorrow's appointment, 10:00 a.m., ok?"

5)second (party to an agreement)(Good job / Well done)

  • Meaning:Slang used to mean "thanks for your hard work." It is frequently seen on the Internet and in message exchanges, and is useful for briefly expressing appreciation or praise.
  • Example:I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it again! (Thanks for submitting the report!)"

For those of you who want to further your studies at a Japanese language school

The Japanese language attracts attention from around the world for its rich expressiveness and profound culture. From movies, music, and literature to everyday conversation, learning Japanese is not only a way to acquire a new language, but also a gateway to a deeper cultural understanding and a broader perspective.

For those of you who want to study Japanese more seriously, enter higher education in Japan, or find a job in Japan, taking your Japanese language skills to the next level is the first step in turning your dreams into reality. There are approximately 700 Japanese language schools in Japan with various characteristics, but it is not easy to select the best school for you.

Therefore, we will do our best to help you choose the perfect Japanese language school to realize your goals and dreams! If you have any questions or concerns about Japanese language schools, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form below.

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    Understanding Japanese slang can further enrich communication with Japanese people. However, slang should be used appropriately depending on the situation. Please enjoy learning Japanese slang by referring to this article.

    Reference:coto Japanese Academy, KARUTA

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