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【5 Minute Guide to 】自粛 (jishuku) Meaning. How to use it in business, example sentences, and thesaurus.

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Woman at home during 自粛

Have you ever heard of the term 自粛 (jishuku)? Many people may not understand the exact meaning of this word, as the kanji characters are difficult to read and are not often used in daily conversation. However, due to the recent outbreak of new coronavirus infection, the word has become familiar in our daily lives.

In this article, we will explain in detail the meaning of 自粛, its English expressions, business usage, example sentences, and thesauruses. Through this article, you will gain a better understanding of the term 自粛 and be able to use it appropriately in your daily life and in business situations.

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What does "自粛 (jishuku)" mean and how is it expressed in English?

自粛 (jisyuku) means to refrain from an action or attitude of one's own volition, i.e., to voluntarily refrain from an action. Specifically, it is used in the following situations.

  • Proceed with caution to avoid making mistakes
  • Discourage your own behavior so as not to say or do anything rash
  • Act with moderation, not overdoing it.

Thus, we can see that 自粛 has the connotations of "refraining from action on one's own initiative," "proceeding with caution," and "moderation. "自粛 is characterized by an individual's self-control, refraining from action on one's own initiative, not at the request or compulsion of those around one, but on the basis of one's own judgment.

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection in 2020, we have become increasingly cautious in our behavior toward going outside to prevent the spread of infection. It was during this time that the term "自粛" began to be used more frequently in the media and became ingrained in our vocabulary.

The English equivalents of 自粛 are "self-restraint" and "voluntary restraint," which restraint" and "voluntary restraint.

  • "Self-restraint" has a strong connotation of "self-control" and "self-discipline," referring to the practice of suppressing one's emotions and desires to act in a restrained manner.
  • "Voluntary restraint" strongly conveys the meaning of "self-imposed restraint," emphasizing the act of deliberately choosing to limit one's actions out of personal will, rather than being compelled by external forces.

自粛 is an important concept not only in infectious disease control, but also in everyday life and business. There are many situations in which we are required to consider the impact of our actions on those around us and to 自粛 according to the situation.

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Paraphrases and thesauruses for "自粛 (jishuku)"

The word 自粛 has several paraphrases and analogies. Typical examples include "我慢 (gaman)," "自制 (jisei)," and "自己制御 (jiko seigyo)," all of which mean to suppress behavior at one's own will.

The word "我慢 (patience, gaman)" refers to holding back and enduring one's desires and emotions. For example, it can be used as "to resist temptation and endure.

"自制 (self-control, jisei)" means controlling and moderating one's emotions and behavior. It is commonly used as in "restraining oneself from anger."

"自己制御 (self-regulation, jiko seigyo)," refers to controlling one's own actions and emotions. It is often used to refer to "acquiring self-control."

These words can be used in different situations. For example, "自粛" is often used in a social context, such as refraining from unnecessary outings, whereas "我慢" or "自制" would be used more often when suppressing personal feelings and desires.

Before the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection, we did not frequently use the term "自粛" in daily conversation, but it has become a familiar term to us as more and more situations require 自粛 to prevent the spread of infection. Choosing the appropriate word according to the situation will lead to smooth communication.

Notes on the use of "自粛 (jishuku)"

There is nothing special to note regarding the use of the term 自粛. It is important to use it appropriately depending on the situation.

However, when calling for 自粛, you must be considerate of the other person's situation. For example, some people may have difficulty with 自粛 for economic reasons. Rather than uniformly forcing people to take 自粛, it will be necessary to respond flexibly according to their individual circumstances.

Prolonged 自粛 living can also have a negative impact on physical and mental health. It is also important to maintain moderate exercise and social interaction; maintaining a balance between 自粛 and lifestyle will lead to a sustainable society.

自粛 is an important concept not only in infectious disease control, but also in environmental protection and in dealing with social issues. For example, there may be situations where we are required to 自粛 waste energy or 自粛 discriminatory words and actions.

It is important to assess the need for 自粛 according to the situation and use it appropriately. 自粛 leads to an awareness that each individual's actions affect society as a whole.

Usage and example sentences of "自粛 (jishuku)" in business situations

The term 自粛 also plays an important role in the business world. 自粛 is an essential concept for business people, as it is a term that describes behavior choices based on social responsibility and ethical considerations.

Here are some specific situations in which the term 自粛 is used in business situations and examples of how it can be used. 自粛 can be used appropriately to show consideration for others and social responsibility.

How to use 自粛 (jishuku) in business, example sentences (1)

If you want to encourage people to refrain from eating together in large groups

(Kansensho no eikyo o sakeru tame ni, yotei sarete iru kaishoku wa jishuku suru koto o osusume shimasu.)
→Consider carefully any planned dinners to avoid the effects of infectious diseases.

In this example, the word "refrain" is replaced with "to 自粛" to more clearly convey the suggestion to refrain from eating at the meeting. 自粛 can be used to emphasize the importance of infection control.

How to use 自粛 (jishuku) in business, example sentences (2)

If you are at a drinking party and wish to inform people that you do not drink alcohol

健康のために、お酒を飲むことを自粛しています。 (Kenko no tame ni, osake o nomu koto o jishuku shite imasu.)
→I refrain from drinking alcohol for my health.

In this example sentence, the word "endure" is replaced with "自粛 do"; by using the word 自粛, you can clearly communicate that you are refraining from drinking alcohol of your own volition.

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    This article details the meaning and usage of the term 自粛, which refers to voluntary restraint of behavior and is expressed in English as "self-restraint" or " voluntary restraint". Paraphrased expressions of 自粛 include "我慢 (gaman)," "自制 (jisei)," and "自己制御 (jiko seigyo)."

    自粛 is an important concept that leads to an awareness of the impact of an individual's actions on society as a whole. The term 自粛 has become deeply embedded in our lives following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus infection, and the essence of 自粛 lies in behavioral choices based on personal restraint and a sense of social responsibility.

    Through this article, you have gained a better understanding of the meaning and usage of 自粛. By using the term 自粛 appropriately in your daily life and in business situations, depending on the situation, you can communicate smoothly.

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