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What does the business term "ドラフト (dorafuto)" mean? Usage, paraphrase, and English expressions explained.

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When you hear the term "ドラフト (dorafuto)," the first thing that comes to mind might be "ドラフト meeting" for baseball or "ドラフト beer" for alcohol. However, in business situations, the term "ドラフト" is used in a different way. Understanding the correct meaning and usage of "ドラフト" as a business term is important for smooth communication.

This article details the meaning and usage of "ドラフト" used in business situations, words with the same meaning, and English expressions.

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What does the business term "ドラフト (dorafuto)" mean? Example sentences are also introduced.

In a business context, when the word "ドラフト" is used, it means a "rough copy" or a "preliminary version." In other words, it refers to a document or material that is not in its final form but shows the general content and structure.

For example, when preparing a proposal, presentation, or contract, we often start by creating a "ドラフト" to share with team members and ask for their input. It does not matter if the details are not finalized at this stage. What is important is to confirm the overall direction and identify areas for improvement.

What is the English equivalent of "ドラフト (dorafuto)"?

The term "ドラフト" is originally a katakana form of the English word "draft." This word is frequently used in English business situations, so it is useful for international communication if you remember it.

(1) draft

"Draft" is the original English word for "ドラフト" and means "draft" or "draft" as it is.

In email and chat, it is used as in "Please check the draft proposal."

(2) outline

"Outline" is another English expression that has the same meaning as "ドラフト". The word literally means "outline" or "general framework," and is also established in Japanese as the katakana term "アウトライン".

In the early stages of a project, it is often used to say, "Let's create an outline of the project plan first."

Example sentences and usage of "ドラフト (dorafuto)" in business

To help you visualize the use of "ドラフト" in business situations, let's look at some specific example sentences.

Example (1) "来週までに契約書のドラフトを作成してください."
"Please create a ドラフト of the contract by next week."

This example asks that a draft of the agreement be prepared. The key nuance is that it "does not need to be completed." It does not have to be perfect at the ドラフト stage.

Example (2) "この企画書はドラフト版なので、後で変更する可能性があります."
"This proposal is a ドラフト version, so it may be subject to change later."

This statement conveys that the proposal you have prepared is a draft version and that the content may be changed in the future. We refer to the "unfinished version" as the "ドラフト版 (version)."

Example (3) "プレゼン資料のドラフトを作成したら、まず上司の確認を受けてください."
"After creating a ドラフト of the presentation materials, please get your supervisor's approval first."

He stated that when creating presentation materials, it is important to first create a ドラフト and have your supervisor check it.

"ドラフト (dorafuto)" Paraphrases and Analogies

There are several Japanese expressions that have a similar meaning to "ドラフト. By using them according to the situation, you will be able to broaden your communication.

Paraphrasing "ドラフト (dorafuto)" (1) "下書き"

The most common Japanese translation of "ドラフト" is " 下書き (draft, shitagaki). The word "shitagaki" is widely used to refer to a draft before it has been cleaned up, or a manuscript before it has become a formal document or work of art.

Paraphrasing "ドラフト (dorafuto)" (2) "草案", "草稿"

"草案 (draft, souan)" and "草稿 (manuscript, soukou)" are also words with a similar meaning to "ドラフト." They are used to refer to a document or draft plan that has not yet been completed.

It is said that the kanji character for "草 (grass, kusa)" is used because it represents the stage before a plant grass grows into a fine tree.

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    ドラフト" is a business term referring to a draft or draft before completion. When preparing presentation materials, proposals, contracts, etc., it is important to first create ドラフト and then brush up on it while incorporating the opinions of all parties involved.

    In English, it is expressed as "draft" or "outline," and can be paraphrased in Japanese as "下書き (shitagaki)," "草案 (souan)," or "草稿 (soukou)."

    When you hear the term "ドラフト" in business situations, make sure you understand its meaning and usage correctly and can use it appropriately. It will be useful for smooth communication.

    ◆To learn more about business Japanese, check out the following articles!

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