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Explanation of procedures required for foreigners moving or changing jobs in Japan.

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With more and more foreigners entering Japan each year in search of new adventures and career opportunities, the process of starting a new life is an unavoidable one.

However, the procedures in different cultures can seem complicated. When moving or changing jobs, what documents are needed, where should they be submitted, when are the deadlines...?

To answer these questions that foreign residents may have and to support smooth procedures, we will introduce in detail the procedures required when moving or changing jobs in Japan. It is full of practical information on documents, where to submit them, and points to keep in mind when moving or changing jobs.

Although Japanese government procedures may seem complicated, with advance knowledge and preparation, they are not so difficult. Take the first step toward your new life in Japan by referring to this article.

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Moving or changing jobs in Japan for a foreigner: Basic knowledge of notification procedures

For foreigners who are considering moving or changing jobs in Japan, the notification procedure is the first step in a new life. Knowing the exact procedures and implementing them correctly will make your later life in Japan go more smoothly. In this section, we will explain the basic knowledge you need to have when moving or changing jobs.

Basics of Staying in Japan: What is the Alien Registration System?

Foreign residents in Japan are required to register at the municipal office of their place of residence under the Alien Registration System. This registration is the basic procedure for foreigners to officially start living and working in Japan. Registration enables you to receive public services and smoothly complete various procedures necessary for daily life.

In addition, upon completion of alien registration, a "Residence Card" will be issued. This card can be used as identification in public places and for everyday shopping. This card is also often required when opening a cell phone or bank account.

Legal Obligations in Japan: Notification of Change of Address or Workplace as a Foreign National

It is very important to comply with your legal obligations when living in Japan as a foreigner. In particular, if you change your address or place of employment, you are required to report the new information. In the case of a change of address, you must clearly state the new address and any changes in family structure, etc. In the case of a job change, you must accurately report details of your new employer, employment status, salary, etc.

Filing Deadlines: Important Deadlines and Penalties in Japan

Each notification procedure has specific deadlines. For example, a change of address must be reported to the municipal office of the new place of residence within 14 days of the move. Also, when changing jobs, the relevant procedures must be completed within 14 days of signing a new employment contract.

Failure to meet deadlines may result in fines, and repeated violations may make it difficult to renew a visa. Specific penalties for failing to notify the authorities include fines of up to 200,000 yen, so please be aware of this. If you fail to report by the deadline, we recommend that you consult with the local government office immediately. By explaining the reason for the delay and promptly taking the necessary steps, the penalty may be reduced.

By meeting deadlines and following accurate procedures, you will be able to proceed with your life in Japan with greater peace of mind.

Living in Japan for Foreigners: Essential Tax, Pension, and Insurance Procedures

Living in Japan is not only living in Japan, but also participation in various social systems is required. In particular, participation in taxes, pensions, and health insurance is mandatory even for foreign residents. Since these systems are the foundation for a stable life in Japan, accurate understanding and proper procedures are essential.

  • Payment of Taxes
    • If you have income in Japan, you are liable to pay income tax. Based on your income from January to December each year, you are required to file an income tax return between February and March of the following year.
  • Health Insurance Coverage
    • Foreign residents in Japan are also required to join the national health insurance system. Medical costs in Japan are often very expensive, and without insurance, you risk having to pay out-of-pocket for expensive medical expenses in the event of sudden illness or injury.
  • Participation in Pension Plans
    • Foreigners working in Japan are basically required to participate in the National Pension System. This is very important as a guarantee of their future livelihood. Foreigners who have worked in Japan for more than a certain period of time are entitled to receive a Japanese pension after returning to their home country.

Moving in Japan: Documents and Where to Submit for Foreigners

Moving to a new place is the start of a new life, but there are many procedures behind it. Many of the systems and procedures in Japan are unique and may seem a bit complicated to foreigners. In this section, we will explain in detail what documents you will need when you move, where to submit them, and the procedures involved.

Basic Flow of Moving Procedures

  1. Advance Preparation
    • Based on your new address and the date of your move, begin to obtain a notification of moving out or change of address, and prepare other necessary documents.
  2. Notification of moving out and moving in
    • When moving, it is necessary to report moving out to the municipality of your current address and moving in to the municipality of your new address. This procedure is based on Japan's resident registration system and must be completed by all residents (Japanese and non-Japanese alike).
  3. Submission of Change Notification Form
    • When a foreign resident changes his/her address, he/she is required to submit a Notification of Change of Address. This procedure is for changing the address on the residence card, and must be submitted at the Immigration Office or Residence Information Service Counter at the new address within 14 days after the move.
  4. Notification to the municipality of residence
    • When the moving date approaches, submit a notification of change to the municipal office of your new place of residence. At this time, you will need to bring your identification card and other relevant documents with you.
  5. Utility bills and postal procedures
    • We will also process utility bills at the new address and forward mail addressed to the old address.

moving (dwelling, office, etc.)Documentation: Required Documents and Where to Submit

Basically, when you move, you should report your move to the municipal office of your new residence, but there are also many sub-branches located in central Tokyo. We recommend that you check the location, business hours, and congestion of your local municipal office or branch office in advance to ensure smooth procedures.

necessary documents

  • Notification of moving out:Documents to be submitted when leaving the old address.
  • Notification of moving in:Documents to be submitted when moving to a new address.
  • Notification of Change Form:Fill in information such as new address and relocation date.
  • Residence card:Card showing alien registration. Necessary for identification purposes.
  • Passport:Used to verify identity and also to confirm status of residence.
  • Proof of old address:May be required by some municipalities.
  • Rent receipts and contracts:May be requested as proof of new address.

In addition, you will need to change the address on your driver's license when you move. The procedure is done at the police station or driver's license center. The required documents are your residence card, residence card, passport, and current driver's license after the move. Note that the change of address procedure must be completed within 15 days of the move.

address for submission

  • Notification of moving out:The municipal office of your current address
  • Notification of transfer:The municipal office of the city, ward, town or village where you are moving to
  • Notification of Change Form:The municipal office of the city, ward, town or village where you are moving to
  • Change of address on driver's license:Police station or driver's license center

Advice for avoiding congestion

Government offices are often relatively crowded on weekday mornings. We recommend visiting on weekday afternoons to ensure smooth procedures.

Advice for busy people

Many people may not have time to go to the city office during the weekday due to work or other reasons. In such cases, it is possible to notify the municipal office by mail. Also, some municipalities accept some procedures online or have after-hours or weekend counter services, so check the website of your local government office.

Government Support

Increasingly, Japanese government offices, especially in large cities and wards with large populations, are offering dedicated windows and multilingual assistance for foreign residents. By checking in advance before visiting, you will be able to go through the procedures more smoothly.

Notification of Change Form: How to obtain the form and points to accurately fill it out

When changing your address in Japan, the most important document is the "Notification of Change of Address" form. This document can be obtained at the municipal office or branch office of the city, ward, town or village where you reside. It can also be downloaded and printed online. Once obtained, fill in the required information correctly and bring it with you along with other necessary documents when you submit the form.

  • Get Online
    • You can download the Notification of Change form from the official website of the Immigration and Residency Management Agency, so you can prepare the form in advance to shorten the time required for the procedure at the municipal office.
  • Key Points to Fill Out
    • In addition to basic information such as old and new address, name, date of birth, etc., the document may require emergency contact information in Japan. Particular attention should be paid to the accurate description of the new address.

Reference:Notification of change of place of residence (mid- to long-term residents) | Immigration and Residence Management Agency

Post-move procedures and precautions

  • public utilities charge
    • Don't forget to change your utility billing procedures for electricity, gas, water, etc. based on your new address. It is important to make sure that there are no unpaid bills at your past address and that you provide the exact date of service at your new address.
  • Mail Forwarding Service
    • Japan Post offers a free service to forward mail addressed to your old address to your new address after you move. By using this service, you will not miss any important mail.

Job Change Procedures: Points Foreign Workers Should Be Aware of

Changing jobs is a major turning point in one's career, and the procedures and precautions involved are often complicated. In Japan, in particular, there are unique systems and procedures for foreign workers who are considering changing jobs. This section provides a detailed explanation of the procedures and points that foreign workers should pay particular attention to in order to ensure a smooth transition to a new job.

Basic Flow of Job Change Procedures

  1. Confirmation of status of residence
    • Ensure that your current qualifications match the new position
    • Apply for a change of status of residence at the Immigration Bureau if necessary.
  2. Procedures in previous jobs
    • Receipt of documents required for social insurance switchover procedures, tax procedures, etc.
  3. Procedures at the new company
    • Procedures for enrollment in social insurance, provision of bank account information for salary transfers, etc.
  4. Tax-related procedures
    • Confirmation of year-end adjustments, income tax returns, resident tax procedures, etc.
  5. Living-related procedures (as needed)
    • Various procedures such as change of bank account, change of address in case of change of residence, etc.

Flow and main points of change of status of residence

When changing jobs, you may need to change your status of residence depending on your new position or industry. For example, you may change from a professional position to a general position or vice versa. Application for change of status to the Immigration Bureau must be made prior to taking up the new position.

  • Procedures:Apply for a change of status of residence at the Immigration Bureau. Required documents include an employment contract from your new employer, resume, photographs, and your old residence card. The time from application to approval can range from several weeks to several months, so be sure to schedule your procedures well in advance.

Social insurance and pension procedures when changing jobs in Japan

When you change jobs, your social insurance and pension coverage often changes as well. Do not forget to complete the enrollment procedures at your new workplace, as well as the completion of the procedures at your previous workplace. In particular, forgetting to switch health insurance may cause problems with medical expenses.

  • Resignation and induction procedures:The completion of the social insurance process at the previous workplace and the enrollment process at the new workplace are done through the human resources and accounting departments at the respective workplaces.
  • Switching insurance:Health insurance may change depending on your new job. Remember to pick up your new insurance card and return your old one. In particular, you will need your new insurance card when using hospitals and pharmacies.

Tax Declaration at the Time of a Job Change: Year-end Adjustment and Resident's Tax

Year-end adjustments and income tax returns in Japan require special attention in the year of a job change; if you have income from two or more employers, you may be eligible for an income tax refund. Be sure to file your income tax returns accurately through consultation with the tax office or a tax accountant.

  • Confirmation of year-end adjustment:In years when you have two or more employers, the year-end adjustment process can be complicated. To ensure that you receive your income tax refund properly, keep pay stubs, tax credits, and other information from each employer.
  • Resident tax notes:Residential tax is a tax to be paid to the municipality in which you live. If you change your address at the same time as changing jobs, you may receive bills from both your old and new municipalities. If necessary, it is advisable to check with the tax department of each municipality.

Useful information and support for living in Japan

Living in Japan is fascinating, but it is not uncommon to face many challenges due to language barriers and cultural differences. For example, you may encounter difficulties in all aspects of life, from using keigo (honorific expressions) in everyday and business situations, to difficulties in finding housing, using public services, preparing for the JLPT exam, and even meeting new friends and loved ones.

At such times, Goandup Salon will be your reliable partner!

Our community provides support and information to help foreign residents in Japan to make their life in Japan richer and more comfortable.

  • Japanese Language Studywill meet the needs of all levels, from daily conversation to the use of keigo in business situations, to efficient Japanese language learning methods and preparation for the JLPT exam.
  • livingaspect of the program provides concrete advice and information on how to establish a foundation for living in Japan, including explanations of Japanese culture and rules, finding housing, and how to contract public services and living infrastructure.
  • Jobs & CareersRegarding the "what if" section, we can help you find a job, change jobs, and understand Japanese business etiquette and workplace culture, which are key to a successful career in the workplace.

If you have any questions or concerns about life in Japan,Goandup Salon.Let's solve your problem in the following way! We will wholeheartedly support you to make your life in Japan smoother and more enjoyable.

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Living in Japan can be a new and interesting experience for foreign residents due to its unique culture and system. On the other hand, the language barrier and the various procedures associated with major life events such as moving or changing jobs can make it difficult.

We hope this article will help you understand the types of procedures, methods, and documents required for foreigners moving or changing jobs in Japan. Although the procedures at the municipal office may seem complicated, with advance preparation and basic understanding, they are not difficult.

Please take the opportunity of moving or changing jobs to start an even more fulfilling life in Japan. We support your challenge in a new environment.

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