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What is tatami mat size (tatami mat size)? Explanation of the meaning

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How big is a tatami mat? (how big is a tatami mat?)"

How big is the six-mat room?"

Many foreigners may come to Japan and want to know about tatami, the traditional Japanese room floor. In particular, some may be troubled by the size of tatami, or by the fact that the real estate agent explained to them that the room is 6 tatami mats in size, but they do not know how big it is.

In this article, we will introduce the meaning of tatami (jo), the size of a tatami mat, and the dimensions of one tatami mat. Please also see the explanation of how large a 6 tatami room is, as it is often referred to.

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What does jo (tatami) mean?

In Japan, the term jo is used to describe a Japanese-style room with six tatami mats (jo). Tatami (jo) is a kind of unit used to describe the size of a room. This unit is used to describe the size of a Japanese-style room, so it is important to keep this in mind.

The size of a single tatami mat is fixed. The size that can be seen at real estate agencies is determined as 1 tatami = 1.62 square meters or more. 1 square meter is used in the same sense as 1 square meter.

In other words, 1.62 square meters is the same as 1.62 square feet.

Next, if it is clear how many tatami mats are used in one room, the size of the room can be determined. For example, if the room is a 6 tatami room, it means that 6 tatami mats are used to make one room.

So, how big is 1 tatami in concrete units other than meters?

or. We will show you in the next chapter.

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How many feet is one tatami mat? How many inches?

In Japan, the size of one tatami mat is 1.62 square meters (㎡). Please see below for the units of measurement in countries other than Japan. The size in feet and inches is as follows.

1.62 square meters (sq.m.) = 17.43753 ft² (square feet)

1.62 square meters (sq.m.) = 2511in² (square inches)

Reference Site:metric conversion

How big is a "6-mat room?"

Then, you may want to know exactly how big a 6-mat room is. 6-mat room size is as follows.

Since 1 tatami mat is 1.62 square meters (m2), 6 tatami mats are calculated as follows.

1.62 square meters (sq.m.) x 6 tatami mats = 9.72 square meters (sq.m.).

9.72 square meters is 15066.03in² in inches or 104.6252ft² in feet.

Once you know how big a 6-mat room is, many people may feel that it is too small to live in a single 6-mat room. 6-mat rooms are often used by people living alone in Japan. If you are concerned about the size of the room when looking for a house, please consult with a real estate agent when choosing a house. You can also take a tour of the house, so you can actually see it and make a decision.

What is the point of living comfortably in a 6-mat room?

Here are some tips on how to live comfortably when actually living in a 6-mat room. You may think it is too small to live in, but you can live comfortably by choosing and arranging furniture. Let's take a look at them right away.

Choose appropriately sized furniture.

Also, furniture sizes vary, but do not buy anything larger than necessary.

It is advisable to try various ideas, such as desks and chairs that are not too large and do not take up too much space.

Choose furniture with storage

Consider choosing furniture with storage. For example, if you are placing a bed, choose one that has the ability to store a variety of items under the bed. Even if the bed does not have storage, it is a good idea to choose a design that is high enough to store things under the bed.

Consider furniture arrangement

Tatami is also vulnerable to moisture and humidity and is easily damaged. Mites are sensitive to sunlight and dryness, so care should be taken to ensure that sunlight can easily enter the room and that there is good ventilation. To prevent mites, it is even better to pay attention to where you place your furniture, such as avoiding placing objects near windows to allow sunlight to enter easily and creating a pathway for airflow.

Choose by Furniture Color

Considering the hue of the furniture can also help make a room appear larger. White furniture is easy on the eyes and makes a room look larger. If you use white curtains and furniture, you can create a room with a sense of openness. You may feel confused at first in Japan, but once you get used to it, you will be able to spend a comfortable and pleasant life in Japan.

If you are interested in learning more about ◆Japanese floor plans, the following articles are also recommended.

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Extra Edition] Tips for Learning Japanese

For those of you who want to further your studies at a Japanese language school

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    Please see below for a summary of the key points in this article that are particularly important to remember.

    • A good indication of the size of a room is the number of tatami mats. For example, a Japanese-style room with 6 tatami mats indicates that 6 tatami mats are used.
    • The typical size of one tatami mat is 1.62 square meters.
    • One tatami mat is 17.43753 ft² (square feet) or 2511in² (square inches).
    • To live comfortably in a 6-mat room, you should pay attention to furniture selection and placement.

    Traditional Japanese-style rooms differ from those in other countries in many ways, and many people may be puzzled by the cultural differences. Tatami in particular is something that all Japanese are familiar with, so it is good to know about it.

    In this issue, we have introduced the size of tatami, how big it is expressed in feet and inches, and the size of a 6-mat room. We hope you will learn more about Japanese-style rooms and enjoy a comfortable life in Japan.

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