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What are the jobs for foreigners in Yokohama? Jobs that do not require Japanese

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Back view of a foreign woman working in a bar in Yokohama

Yokohama is one of the most popular cities in Japan among foreigners. Since ancient times, the city has been active in exchanges with foreign countries, and its exotic cityscape and diverse culture are attractive to foreigners.

Yokohama is such a city that offers a comfortable living and working environment for foreigners. Even if you are not comfortable with your Japanese language skills, there are a variety of options, including jobs that allow you to make use of English and jobs that require little communication in Japanese.

This article therefore provides detailed information on how foreigners can find work in Yokohama. Practical information is provided, from recommended job sites to jobs that do not require Japanese language skills.

Whether you are a foreigner who wants to work in Yokohama or you are planning to move to Yokohama in the future, we hope you will find this information useful. We are sure you will find a job that suits you.

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What are the necessary procedures for a foreigner to work in Japan?

Yokohama has long been known as a port town where cultures from overseas have come to Japan, and the exotic atmosphere of the city is very attractive. It is a comfortable place for foreigners to live and work, but there are some important procedures that must be followed in order to work in Japan.

First of all, if you want to work in Japan, you need not only a visa (visa) but also a status of residence, unless you have permanent resident status. Without a status of residence, it is illegal work and you may be punished. There are various types of status of residence, but the most common types of work visas include "Technical/Humanities/International Services," "Technical Skills," and "Specified Skills.

To obtain these statuses of residence, you must first receive an offer of employment from a company in Japan. After that, an application for a Certificate of Eligibility is filed.

If your application is approved, a Certificate of Eligibility will be issued, and you will take this certificate to the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country to apply for a visa. Once the visa is issued, it is time to enter Japan. Upon entering Japan, you will be issued a residence card, and you are now ready to start working in Japan.

However, even if you have a status of residence, you are prohibited from working beyond the scope of what you are allowed to do or working past your period of stay. If you need to renew your period of stay or change your status of residence, please do so as soon as possible.

In addition, foreign students can work part-time under certain conditions by obtaining a "Permit to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence". The permitted range is "up to 28 hours per week, excluding engaging in entertainment business, etc.".

The following article explains in detail how to apply for a Permit to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence and the required documents.
▶︎ What is a Permit to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence for Foreign Workers? Application form, how to apply, and required documents.

How to find a job or part time job in Yokohama for foreigners

There are several ways for foreigners to find work in Yokohama. First, it is important to find a job that matches your status of residence and Japanese language ability. By using Internet job sites, you will be able to find a job efficiently.

It is also essential to prepare your application documents and prepare for interviews. There are unique rules for job hunting in Japan, so it is necessary to understand them beforehand.

Here we will explain step-by-step how to find a specific job or part-time job in Yokohama for foreigners.

From Job Search to Application

When a foreigner is looking for a job or part-time job in Yokohama, the first thing to do is to make sure that the issue of work eligibility has been cleared. Then, we move on to the job search. There are many job sites on the Internet, so choose the one that suits you best and make use of it.

When searching, try including keywords such as "Yokohama" or "Kanagawa" in your search, and enter the keywords for the type of job you are looking for. For example, "Yokohama foreign engineer" or "Kanagawa foreign sales". In this way, you can find more specific jobs by combining the location and the type of job.

It is also effective to search using broad keywords such as "Yokohama foreigner jobs" or "Kanagawa foreigner part time jobs". This will make it easier for you to find a job that suits you.

We recommend the following job sites

Interview Preparation

Once you have been contacted by the company you are applying to for an interview, the next step is to prepare for the interview. Prepare all the necessary documents, including your resume and CV.

The Japanese resume writing process may be unfamiliar to non-Japanese. For more information on resume format, how to fill out a resume, and how to obtain a resume, please refer to the "How to write and obtain a Japanese resume for foreignersfor more information.

During the interview, it is important to showcase your experience and skills, but at the same time, make sure you are aware of the working conditions.

From Interview to Hiring

During the interview, it is important to confirm details regarding working hours, salary, travel expenses, and holidays. Especially for international students, there is a rule that they must work up to 28 hours per week, so be sure to confirm this point. It is necessary to have a clear understanding of working conditions in order to prevent problems after employment.

Once you have successfully passed the interview and have been hired, it is time to start work. You may feel anxious at your first workplace, but you will learn your job one by one carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask senior staff members.

While there are many challenges for foreigners working in Japan, such as language barriers and cultural differences, proper preparation and communication should ensure a fulfilling work life.

Jobs for Foreigners: No Japanese Required in Yokohama

Some foreigners may have given up looking for a job in Japan because they are not confident in their Japanese language ability or because they do not speak Japanese. However, there are many jobs in Yokohama that do not require Japanese language skills. There are a variety of options, including jobs where you can utilize your unique skills as a foreigner and jobs that require little communication in Japanese. Here are some specific jobs in Yokohama that do not require Japanese language skills for foreigners.

1. teaching English

Demand for English education is high in Japan, especially in Yokohama, where there are many English conversation schools and international schools. For foreigners, teaching English, their native language, is an easy challenge even if their Japanese language skills are inadequate.

Although employment criteria for working as a teacher at an English conversation school or international school vary, native-level English proficiency is sufficient to be successful. In addition, teaching in English has the advantage of directly improving students' English skills.

There are many English teaching jobs available in Yokohama and Kanagawa Prefecture, so please use the aforementioned job sites to find the right position for you.

If you are a foreigner interested in a career teaching English, you should know some basic information about becoming an English teacher in Japan. The following article provides a clear explanation of qualification requirements, work environment, salary, and more.
▶︎ An easy-to-understand explanation of the basics of how a foreigner can become an English teacher in Japan!

2. factory work

Working in a factory is one of the most challenging jobs for foreigners who do not have sufficient Japanese language skills. There are many foreign workers in the manufacturing industry, and if you have some Japanese language skills, you can communicate with them and learn their jobs.

Factory work is basically centered on repeating predetermined tasks. It may be difficult to get used to the work at first, but as you gradually become more proficient at the tasks, you will be able to perform them smoothly. Also, if your workplace has many foreign workers, you will be able to get support in terms of language.

There are many manufacturing plants in Yokohama and Kanagawa Prefecture, and you will be able to find jobs that are open to foreigners. Please use the aforementioned job sites to find a job that suits you. Factory jobs are an easy challenge even for those who are not comfortable with their Japanese language skills.

There are many different types of jobs available in Japanese factories, and it is important to know basic information about what types of jobs are available and what qualifications are required. The following article provides a detailed description of factory work in Japan.
▶︎ Recommended for foreigners! Explanation of types, occupations, and qualifications for factory jobs in Japan.

3. hotel room cleaning work

Yokohama, a popular tourist destination and business hub, has many hotels. And hotel room cleaning is an occupation that employs many foreign workers.

Room cleaning is one of the most important tasks for hotels. Japanese hotels are known for providing high quality service, and high standards are required for the quality of guest room cleaning. It is also a good opportunity for foreign staff to learn about Japan's unique culture of hospitality and meticulous cleaning procedures.

However, room cleaning work can be physically demanding. Basic manners and communication skills are also necessary, as you will have opportunities to pass by customers. Even if you are not comfortable with your Japanese language skills, you will be able to perform the job well if you learn the necessary words.

Room cleaning is a challenging and rewarding job that is part of the hospitality industry in Japan.

4. work in a cafe or bar with many foreign customers

Yokohama, an international city, has many cafes, bars, pubs, and other restaurants that attract many foreign customers. In these establishments, there are many situations in which foreign staff play an active role.

The presence of foreign staff will facilitate communication with foreign customers and provide more comfortable service. In addition, staff who are familiar with foreign cultures and languages can help create an atmosphere in the store.

Working in a restaurant is mainly customer service work, but even those who are not comfortable with their Japanese language skills can respond to some extent by learning commonly used phrases. If the restaurant has many foreign customers, it may be possible to communicate with them in their native language. As you gain experience in customer service, your Japanese language skills will gradually improve.

If you are interested in customer service work, we encourage you to take on this challenge. This is an attractive position where you can learn about Japanese food and beverage culture while also improving your language skills.

For foreigners who want to work in Japan

Nowadays, foreigners who are looking for a job in Japan may be asking themselves, "I want to work in Japan, but where do I start? Which company is right for me? How can I find a job? How can I find a job?

We will do our best to support your job search in Japan! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.

In order to help you achieve the career path you seek, we will provide you with the best support regarding not only employment, but also part-time work and other opportunities. We sincerely hope that you will find your ideal workplace and that this will be the first step toward a successful career in Japan.


Yokohama offers a comfortable working environment for foreigners, and even those who are not comfortable with their Japanese language skills have a variety of options, including jobs that allow them to use English and jobs that require little use of Japanese. The important thing is to find a job that suits you. Please make use of job sites to find a job where you can make use of your skills and experience.

Many foreigners may feel uneasy about working in Japan, but it is well worth the challenge. Please find a place in Yokohama where you can be yourself.

Furthermore, Tokyo, like Yokohama, is another popular city for foreign workers. Tokyo has many international companies, and there are plenty of jobs where English can be used. Foreigners considering working in Yokohama are advised to consider jobs in Tokyo as well.

The following article introduces jobs in Tokyo that do not require Japanese language skills. Please refer to them.
▶︎ What kind of jobs are available in Tokyo for foreigners who cannot speak Japanese? Explanation of the work process

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