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【 Latest 】 What is the average annual salary of Japanese working in Tokyo? Average wage of foreigners is also explained.

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Foreigners who decide to live alone in Tokyo may be curious about how much money Japanese people working in Tokyo earn. Tokyo is one of the most expensive areas in Japan, and the cost of living is high, so it is natural to want to know a rough estimate of how much income one can expect to earn to live in Tokyo with peace of mind.

In this article, we will therefore provide detailed information on the average annual salary of Japanese nationals working in Tokyo by gender, age, education, distinction, and industry. We will also explain the average wage in Tokyo for foreigners and the most popular occupations for foreigners in Tokyo, so please take a look.

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What is the average income of Japanese working in Tokyo?

The average annual salary of Japanese workers in Tokyo is considerably higher than the national average. According to the 2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the average annual income of workers in Tokyo in 2023 was 3,685,000 yen, much higher than the national average of 3,183,000 yen and about 1.16 times the national average.

Tokyo's high average annual income is due to the fact that it is the political and economic center of Japan and the region where the headquarters of many large companies are located. This is because there are so many employment opportunities and companies that can offer high wages are concentrated in the area.

Another aspect is that the cost of living level is outstandingly high in Japan, and therefore the wage level is commensurate with the cost of living. The reality is that it costs more to live in Tokyo than in regional cities.

Keep in mind, however, that this is only an average, so some people's annual income may actually be much lower than this, while others may have an annual income of 1 TP92T higher. An individual's annual income is highly dependent on a variety of factors, including job type, company size, and length of employment.

Reference:2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

The issue of minimum wage is a concern for those working in Tokyo. Tokyo's minimum wage is one of the highest in Japan, but how has it changed over time? For details, see "【 Latest 】 What is the minimum wage in Tokyo? Explanation of changes to date and comparison by prefecture.The explanation is provided in the following section.

Average annual income and wages by genre for Japanese working in Tokyo

Pink piggy bank

Let's look at the average annual salary of Japanese working in Tokyo, broken down by gender, age, education, by 23 different categories, and by industry. All data are for the year 2023.

1. by gender

The average annual income for men and women in Tokyo is 4,096,000 yen for men and 2,992,000 yen for women. Men's annual income level is more than 1,000,000 yen higher than women's, indicating a considerable gap between the two.

In Japan, men generally tend to be paid higher wages than women, even for the same job title and position, and this is also true in Tokyo. Efforts have been made in recent years to correct the wage gap between men and women, but it appears that there are still issues to be addressed.

The reasons for this disparity include the fact that men have historically been regarded as the primary breadwinners in households, and that women on average have been in the workforce for less time than men. The fact that many women take time off from work or quit after childbirth or child rearing also seems to be a contributing factor to the wage gap.

However, this situation is gradually improving. As the number of dual-earner households increases and women continue to advance in society, more and more workplaces are evaluating individuals based on their abilities and performance, regardless of gender.

However, there is still a large wage gap between men and women. If you want to increase your annual income, it is important to continue working as a full-time employee without making blanks as much as possible, even if you are a woman.

genderaverage annual income
masculine gender4,096,000 yen
female2,992,000 yen
Source:2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

2. by age

Average annual income by age in Tokyo increases with age for both men and women, peaking in the late 50s but declining after age 60.

The difference in annual income between men and women is small until their early 20s, but by their 30s, there is already a gap of more than 500,000 yen. Thereafter, the gap gradually widens, and from the 40s to the 50s, the difference in annual income is more than 1 million yen. During this period, women's annual income growth is not as large as that of men.

Women often take time off or quit their jobs due to marriage or childbirth, and even when they return to work, they tend to work part-time to raise their children, so their annual income tends to be stagnant.

by agemasculine genderfemale
~19 years old1,840,000 yen1,963,000 yen
20-24 years old2,535,000 yen2,321,000 yen
25-29 years old2,969,000 yen2,638,000 yen
30-34 years old3,418,000 yen2,915,000 yen
35-39 years old3,896,000 yen3,223,000 yen
40-44 years old4,313,000 yen3,281,000 yen
45-49 years old4,638,000 yen3,392,000 yen
50-54 years old485.3 million yen3,479,000 yen
55-59 years old530,000,000 yen3,317,000 yen
60-64 years old4,113,000 yen2,880,000 yen
65-69 years old3,811,000 yen2,026,000 yen
70 years old and up2,824,000 yen2,238,000 yen
Source:2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

3. by educational background

Looking at starting salaries in Tokyo by educational background, university graduates have the highest starting salary at 212,500 yen. This is followed by junior college and special training college graduates at the same amount of 200,000 yen, and high school graduates at 183,300 yen.

Although there is not much difference between educational backgrounds, it is still apparent that starting salaries for college graduates tend to be the most favorable. Graduating from a university is often an advantage in job hunting.

Compared to the previous year, starting salaries for college and high school graduates increased by 1.2% and 1.8%, respectively, while those for junior college and special training college graduates remained unchanged. Starting salaries for college and high school graduates appear to be rising gradually but steadily.

However, this is only a starting salary, and actual annual income will vary greatly depending on years of service and career plans. A high level of education will not necessarily translate into a higher annual salary.

academic backgroundStarting salary (thousand yen)Year on year (%)
post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc.2,125,000 yen1.2
junior college200,000,000 yen0.0
specialization200,000,000 yen0.0
high school1,833,000 yen1.8
Source:Results of the Survey on Starting Wages for New School Graduates in March 2023

4. 23 distinctions

Within the 23 wards of Tokyo, there is a wide range in average annual income among the wards. Minato Ward has the highest average annual income at 11.85 million yen, followed by Chiyoda Ward at 9.85 million yen and Shibuya Ward at 9.12 million yen. All of these wards are located in central Tokyo and are known for their concentration of large corporate headquarters and upscale residential areas.

On the other hand, Adachi and Katsushika wards have the lowest average annual incomes, both at only 3.57 million yen. At the bottom of the list are wards located in the eastern and northern parts of Tokyo, such as Edogawa Ward at 3.78 million yen and Itabashi Ward at 3.77 million yen.

Comparing the top three wards with the bottom three wards, the difference is actually more than three times as large. The average annual income in Minato Ward is 3.3 times that of Adachi and Katsushika Wards.

It should be noted, however, that this is the average annual income of those who live in the ward and not of those who work there. Wards in central Tokyo are popular among high-income earners due to their convenience, and are supported by such demand. However, not everyone can earn a high income by working there.

orderdistrictAverage annual income (ten thousand yen)
1Harbour Ward (e.g. in Tokyo)11.85 million yen
2Chiyoda Ward9.85 million yen
3Shibuya Ward9,120,000 yen
4Chuo Ward (esp. Tokyo)7.12 million yen
5Meguro Ward6.39 million yen
6Bunkyo Ward6.24 million yen
7Setagaya Ward5.72 million yen
8Shinjuku Ward5.61 million yen
9Shinagawa Ward5.17 million yen
10Suginami Ward4.78 million yen
11Toshima Ward4.66 million yen
12Koto Ward4.62 million yen
13Taito Ward4.46 million yen
14Ota Ward4,450,000 yen
15Nakano Ward4.32 million yen
16Nerima Ward4.3 million yen
17Sumida Ward4.05 million yen
18northern district3.9 million yen
19Arakawa Ward3.88 million yen
20Edogawa Ward3.78 million yen
21Itabashi Ward3.77 million yen
22Adachi-ku3.57 million yen
23Katsushika Ward3.57 million yen
Source:Average annual salary ranking of Tokyo's 23 wards | Research Online | research online

5. by industry

Looking at wages in major industries in Tokyo, the electricity, gas, heat supply, and water supply industry has the highest wage at 410,000 yen, followed by the academic research, professional and technical services industry at 397,000 yen and the financial and insurance industry at 393,000 yen. Many jobs in these industries require specialized knowledge and skills, which is thought to be the reason for the high wages.

On the other hand, wages are lowest in the accommodation and food services industry at 259,000 yen, followed by 279,000 yen in the lifestyle-related services and entertainment industry and 286,000 yen in the services industry (not elsewhere classified). These industries tend to have a high percentage of non-regular employees and low wage levels.

The highest percentage change from the previous year was in services (not elsewhere classified) at 6.4%, followed by mining, quarrying, and gravel extraction at 5.6% and finance and insurance at 5.2%. The education and learning support industry is slightly down at -0.1%.

Wage differences by industry are influenced by the skills and knowledge required, the supply-demand relationship in the labor market, and company performance. Wages are higher in sectors where there is a shortage of highly specialized personnel, while wages are lower in sectors with low barriers to entry and a large supply of personnel.

However, it is important to consider that even within an industry there are differences between companies.

industryWages (Thousands of yen)Percentage change from the previous year (%)
Mining, quarrying, gravel extraction367,000 yen5.6
construction industry349,000 yen4.2
manufacturing industry306,000 yen1.5
Electricity, gas, heat supply, and water supply410,000 yen2.0
telecommunications industry381,000 yen0.6
Transportation and postal services294,000 yen3.1
Wholesale and retail320,000 yen1.6
Finance and insurance393,000 yen5.2
Real estate and goods leasing341,000 yen0.4
Academic research, professional and technical services397,000 yen2.9
Lodging and food services259,000 yen0.8
Lifestyle-related services and entertainment279,000 yen2.6
Education and learning support industry377,000 yen-0.1
Medical care, welfare298,000 yen0.4
Complex Service Business302,000 yen1.1
Services (not elsewhere classified)286,000 yen6.4
Source:2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Average wage of foreigners working in Tokyo

Although detailed data on the average wage of foreign workers in Tokyo is not available, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure" shows that the average wage of foreign workers nationwide was 233,000 yen, down 6.4% from the previous year.

By status of residence, the average wage in the professional/technical field (excluding specified skills) was the highest at 297,000 yen, followed by status-based activities at 265,000 yen and others (activities other than specified activities and studying abroad) at 231,000 yen. On the other hand, the lowest wage is 182,000 yen for technical training, followed by 198,000 yen for specified skills.

Wages for foreign workers vary widely depending on their status of residence. Personnel with specialized skills earn higher wages, while those engaged in simple labor, such as technical interns, tend to earn lower wages.

Incidentally, given that the wage level in Tokyo is 1.16 times the national average, the average annual income of foreign workers in Tokyo is estimated to be about ¥233,000 per month (the average wage of foreign workers in Japan) x 1.16 ≈ ¥270,000, which when converted into annual income, is ¥270,000 x 12 months = ¥3.24 million. However, this is only an estimate, and the reality is that there are large differences in wage levels depending on the status of residence and type of industry.

Status of Residencewages
Total Foreign Workers233,000 yen
Professional and technical fields (excluding specific skills)297,000 yen
specific skill198,000 yen
based on a person's identity265,000 yen
technical internship182,000 yen
Other (activities other than specified activities and study abroad)231,000 yen
Source:2023 Basic Survey on Wage Structure|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

While the cost of living is high in Tokyo, high income can also be expected. However, rent and living expenses are also high. How much are these living expenses when living alone?

For more information on the rent situation in Tokyo, see "List of areas in Tokyo with inexpensive rent and rent pricesYou can find a detailed explanation in the "Living alone in Tokyo" section. Also, if you would like to know more about the cost of living alone in Tokyo, please refer to "How much does it cost to live alone in Tokyo? Detailed explanation of rent, utilities, etc.Please refer to the "How to.

If you are interested in rent prices in areas outside of Tokyo, please contact "Which prefectures have the cheapest rent in Japan? Compare rent prices by regionwill also provide useful information.

Occupations where many foreigners work in Tokyo

Finally, here are three occupations that are popular among foreigners in Tokyo.


Programmers and engineers are among the most popular jobs among foreigners in Tokyo, where many IT companies are located. In many cases, you can work in the system development field with a certain level of English proficiency, even if you do not speak Japanese very well.

Also, programmer/engineer jobs offer relatively high annual salaries. If you hone your skills, you will be able to work with treatment comparable to that of Japanese nationals.

On the other hand, they tend to work overtime and on holidays in order to meet deadlines. It can be said that it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance in this type of work.

The IT industry is an attractive place to work for foreigners, but what kind of work is available, what skills are needed, and how much annual income can be expected? "How do foreigners work in the IT industry in Japan? Explanation of types of work, required skills, annual income, etc.The details are explained in the following section.

Language school teacher

There are many language schools in Tokyo, and foreign teachers are in high demand. English conversation school teachers are particularly common, but there are also teachers of Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and many other languages.

The major advantage of this job is that it can be done even if one's Japanese is not perfect, since it is a job that makes use of one's native language. In addition, a bachelor's degree is generally required to work as a school teacher, a requirement that can be met if you have graduated from a university in your home country.

Nevertheless, a certain degree of Japanese language ability is required for everything from resume writing to interviews and actual classes. Since there are many miscellaneous tasks outside of the classroom, there will be situations where it will be difficult to use English alone.

English language teaching is a particularly popular profession among foreigners, but what qualifications and requirements are actually needed? "An easy-to-understand explanation of the basics of how a foreigner can become an English teacher in Japan!details the steps to becoming an English teacher.

Restaurant and service industry

Tokyo has a very large number of restaurants, ranging from fast food restaurants to family restaurants, izakaya (Japanese style pubs), and fine dining establishments. With the increase in the number of foreign tourists, more and more restaurants are actively hiring foreign staff.

Since we are in the customer service industry, learning Japanese is essential, but if the store is located in a tourist area, etc., simple Japanese and gestures are often sufficient.

Also, if you work in a restaurant that serves food from your home country, the Japanese language barrier is much lower. For example, in Indian restaurants, there are often cases where Indian staff members work while speaking in their native language, so even if you are not comfortable with your Japanese, it is 大丈夫.

For foreigners who want to work in Japan

Nowadays, foreigners who are looking for a job in Japan may be asking themselves, "I want to work in Japan, but where do I start? Which company is right for me? How can I find a job? How can I find a job?

We will do our best to support your job search in Japan! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.

In order to help you achieve the career path you seek, we will provide you with the best support regarding not only employment, but also part-time work and other opportunities. We sincerely hope that you will find your ideal workplace and that this will be the first step toward a successful career in Japan.


Tokyo is the city with the highest average annual income in Japan, at about 1.16 times the national average. Men have higher average annual incomes than women, and the income gap tends to widen as age increases.

Even within the 23 wards of Tokyo, there are large regional differences in average annual incomes. By industry, IT-related and physical labor jobs have relatively high incomes, while welfare and customer service jobs have lower incomes. The average annual income of foreign workers in Tokyo is estimated to be around 3.24 million yen, but the reality is that there are large differences in wage levels depending on the status of residence and type of industry.

Although the cost of living in Tokyo is high and the cost of living is high, the job options are wide and there are many opportunities to earn a high income. We hope you will find a career that suits you best and realize a better life in Tokyo.

The first step in finding a job in Tokyo is to check the job market. For foreign residents, there are many barriers to job hunting, such as language barriers and cultural differences.

."How do foreigners find a job in Japan? Information on job sites and preparation for interviews are also explained." details tips on how to find a job, and also provides a【 Preserved 】 Complete Guide to Finding a Job in Japan for Foreigners! Job Hunting, Changing Jobs, Part-Time WorkIn "How to Find a Job in Japan," we have compiled a comprehensive list of know-how for foreigners to find a job in Japan. We hope you will find it useful.

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