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How much does it cost to apply for naturalization? Explanation of fees for documents and fees for administrative scriveners.

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How much does it cost for a foreigner to apply for naturalization to become a Japanese citizen? This article explains the costs of naturalization applications, including fees for issuing documents and fees for administrative scriveners.

If you are interested in learning more about special permanent residence, the following articles are also recommended.

What is a Special Permanent Resident? Differences from General Permanent Residents and Naturalization, and Employment Considerations Explained

What is an application for naturalization?

What is naturalization?Procedures for a foreigner to acquire Japanese citizenship and become a Japanese citizenis. Applying for naturalization is called applying for naturalization.

In contrast to naturalization, living in Japan as a foreign national without acquiring Japanese citizenship is called "permanent residence.

Naturalization and permanent residence are the same in that you can live in Japan forever, but naturalization has the advantage that there are no residence procedures and you will not be deported, and you will have the right to vote and be elected.

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Types of Naturalization

Naturalization requirescommon naturalization,simplified naturalizationThere are two types of naturalization. In fact, there is another system called "Great Naturalization," which is granted to those who have made great achievements for Japan, but this is very special and there are no examples of its application, so there is no need to consider it.

common naturalization

When an ordinary foreigner applies for naturalization, it is classified as ordinary naturalization. This is the case when a foreigner comes to Japan to study or work and wishes to become a permanent resident and acquire Japanese citizenship.

In order for ordinary naturalization to be granted, the following conditions must be met

The conditions for being granted ordinary naturalization are.

  1. Have lived in Japan continuously for more than 5 years
  2. Have reached the age of majority in Japan and their home country
  3. No criminal record, tax evasion, or other poor conduct
  4. Able to earn a living

simplified naturalization

What is simplified naturalization?Application for naturalization by a Korean or Korean resident in Japan, a foreigner married to a Japanese national, or a foreigner whose parents have been naturalizedof the

The conditions for naturalization are more relaxed than those for ordinary naturalization, andIn some cases, an application for naturalization may be approved even if the applicant does not meet the requirements for ordinary naturalization.

For example, an application for naturalization may be approved even if you have lived continuously in Japan for three years or less.

What is the cost to apply for naturalization?

There is no application fee charged for the naturalization application itself.Cost of preparing documents, etc.and to go to the city hall and tax office.Transportation and other actual expensesThe first two are the following.

Also,Translation of foreign language documentsand,Request fee for administrative scrivenersmay be charged separately. The fees for naturalization applications are briefly summarized in the table below.

Fees for naturalization applications

Fee for issuing certificates and other necessary documentsAbout several hundred yen per letter. Total: several thousand yen to about 10,000 yen.
Actual expenses for transportation, photocopying, etc.Total from several thousand to several tens of thousands of yen
Translation of foreign language documentsSeveral thousand yen per letter (not necessary if you translate it yourself)
Request fee for administrative scriveners50,000 to 300,000 yen (not required if you do the procedure yourself)

Fee for issuing certificates and other necessary documents

In order to apply for naturalization, various documents such as a certificate of residence and a certificate of income are required, and a fee is charged for obtaining these documents. Specific fees are explained in detail in the next chapter.

Actual expenses for transportation, photocopying, etc.

If you go to the Legal Affairs Bureau or City Hall to obtain or apply for documents, you will have to pay for transportation to get there. In addition, if you make photocopies of documents, licenses, etc., you will be charged for the photocopy fee.

Note that there is only one Legal Affairs Bureau in each prefecture, so depending on where you live, you may have to pay several thousand yen for transportation.

Translation of foreign language documents

Various application forms imported from the home country need to be translated into Japanese, so there will be an additional cost if the translation is requested from an outside source. If you request a contractor to translate certificates,Several thousand yen per letter.costs.

If you can speak Japanese, you can translate the documents yourself, which will not cost you anything. If you want to translate the documents yourself, you may be able to download the format of the document with the Japanese translation on the website of the embassy of your home country.

Request fee for administrative scriveners

The process of applying for naturalization is difficult, so if you are not confident about doing it yourself, you should ask an administrative scrivener to apply for it for you. What is the cost of requesting an administrative scrivener to apply for naturalization?50,000 to 300,000 yenis considered to be the market price.

In general, simplified naturalization is less expensive, and an application for simplified naturalization for one person may cost as little as 50,000 yen. On the other hand, applying for ordinary naturalization for all family members may cost more than 300,000 yen.

Example of fees for issuing documents required for naturalization application

The table below picks out the main documents that may be required for a naturalization application and shows the fees.

As you can see from the table,Most documents can be obtained for a fee of a few hundred yen.The amount may vary slightly from region to region. Amounts may vary slightly from region to region, so be sure to check your local fees when applying.

In addition, the total amount of fees required will vary from person to person because which documents are required for naturalization applications vary from person to person.

When obtaining the documents, transportation costs to go to the city hall or tax office will be charged in addition to the fee. If you send the documents by mail, you will be charged separately for postage and for photocopies of identification documents.

Examples of fees for naturalization application documents

application form for naturalizationfree
certified copy of certificate of residence300 yen
official copy of the family register450 yen
official copy of the family register750 yen
immigration record300 yen
Certified copy of registration and certificate of registered matters (required if real estate or corporate registration is held)600 yen
Driving record certificate (required, for example, when working as a driver)670 yen
Certificate of tax payment (if you have filed a tax return)400 yen
Income certificate (if you have filed a tax return)300 yen
Documents to be applied for in home countryCost depends on the country.

The cost of applying for naturalization ranges from several thousand yen to several tens of thousands of yen for actual expenses such as obtaining certificates and transportation costs, and from 50,000 yen to 300,000 yen for the cost of hiring an administrative scrivener. If you do not ask an administrative scrivener, the cost can be considerably reduced. However, the procedure for applying for naturalization is complicated, so if you do not understand the process, do not be unreasonable and ask an administrative scrivener to help you.

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