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What are the points that interviewers focus on? Job Interview Preparation for Foreigners

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Interviewers during job interviews.

Interviews are one of the most important aspects of job hunting. Especially for non-Japanese, interviews at Japanese companies may seem difficult. However, if you understand the interviewer's evaluation criteria and the type of person they are looking for, it will lead to better results.

This article details the points that can make or break an interview from the interviewer's point of view.

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What is the interviewer looking for?

In order to make a good impression at an interview, it is essential to consider what kind of person you are looking for from the interviewer's perspective. Understand the interviewer's evaluation criteria and take measures accordingly.

1. general interview etiquette

Interviewers also check to see that you have good general manners. If you do not adhere to basic interview etiquette, such as being punctual, knocking when entering the room, and thanking the interviewer when leaving, the interviewer may distrust you.

2. personal appearance and attire

If you are not well groomed, your first impression will be a big negative one. Grooming is one of the minimum manners one should have as a member of society, so it is a point that interviewers are sure to check. Even a well-groomed haircut and neatly wrinkled clothes will make a good impression, so be sure to check your appearance carefully before going in for an interview.

3. facial expressions

It is important to keep a natural smile on your face during the interview. Be careful not to let your expression cloud over not only when you are speaking, but also when listening to what the interviewer and other applicants have to say. It is a good idea to raise the corners of your mouth and keep a soft expression on your face.

4. speech and language

Appropriate speech and language is another point that the interviewer will look at. Be sure to use an easy-to-hear voice and correct honorifics. It is easier for the interviewer to understand your main points if you start with a conclusion and then add reasons and a summary.

5. have you done sufficient research on the company in advance?

If you go into an interview having carefully researched the company, it will be easier for the interviewer to see how serious you are and increase your chances of being hired. Applicants who do not do enough research and are not enthusiastic about the company are at risk of declining the job offer or leaving early, and are more likely to be rejected.

6. content of answers to questions

We recommend that you research the most frequently asked interview questions in advance and prepare the gist of your answers. Motivation for applying, strengths and weaknesses, and what you focused on as a student are standard questions. You may also be asked about your future career vision, so it is a good idea to have a clear image in mind.

7. handwriting on ES and resume

Although an increasing number of people nowadays create their ES/resumes on PCs, many companies require handwritten submissions. If your handwriting is carefully written, you are likely to make a good impression that you are sincere in your work. On the other hand, messy handwriting may raise suspicions that the applicant's work is not up to par.

Criteria for hiring and rejection from the interviewer's point of view

Interviewers evaluate a wide variety of factors when deciding whether to hire or reject an applicant. Here, we will explain in detail the characteristics of people whom interviewers judge to be unacceptable and those whom they would like to hire 逆に. Applicants should take these points into consideration when preparing for the interview, which will bring them closer to obtaining a job offer.

Characteristics of people whom the interviewer deems unacceptable for the position

When an interviewer decides not to hire an applicant, he or she looks for the following

  • Lack of basic manners (greetings, dress, etc.)
  • Dark facial expression and poor reception impression.
  • Insufficient research on the company and thin answers
  • Not understanding the intent of the question and answering off the mark.
  • The answer is not convincing.
  • I don't feel motivated to join the company.
  • Different from what we are looking for

These points are important for the interviewer to evaluate the applicant. If an applicant does not have basic manners, or if his/her facial expression is dark and his/her answers are not impressive, the interviewer may have an негative impression of the applicant. In addition, if the applicant's answers are thin due to insufficient research on the company, or if the applicant gives off-target answers without understanding the intent of the question, the interviewer may question the applicant's enthusiasm and suitability for the position.

Characteristics of people interviewers want to hire

On the other hand, applicants whom interviewers would like to hire have the following characteristics

  • Have a deep understanding of your company and can answer specific questions
  • We know the hard side of the job.
  • Have a clear career plan
  • The sincerity of his reception conveys his personality.
  • I can feel the honesty and willingness.

Applicants who can demonstrate a deep understanding of their company and answer specific questions can be expected to perform at a high level after joining the company. Having a clear career plan based on an understanding of the difficult aspects of the job is a sign of motivation for the job. In addition, applicants whose personal qualities come through in their sincere responses are likely to have a positive impact on the organization.

Frequently Asked Interview Questions

During the interview, a variety of questions will be posed. Here are some typical ones.

1. ice breaker during interview

  • Did you get to the interview venue without getting lost?
  • You mentioned that your hobby is ____, when did you start?
  • Can you tell us how you spend your holidays?

At the beginning of the interview, an "ice break" time is scheduled to ease the tension between the interviewer and applicant and to create a relaxed atmosphere. Questions about the applicant's personality, such as how he/she got to the interview site, hobbies, how he/she spends his/her days off, etc. are the main focus of this session. It is best to answer these questions with an upbeat and positive attitude.

2. questions about motivation

  • Why did you apply to our company?
  • Why did you choose us over other companies in our industry?
  • What is your motivation for wanting to work in this industry?

Questions regarding the applicant's motive for applying for the position are asked to ascertain the applicant's interest in the company. It is a good idea to show that you share the company's business activities and corporate culture, and that they match your own career plans.

3. questions about your background and experience

  • What kind of work have you done so far?
  • Do you have experience achieving results in a previous job?
  • What were some of the challenges you faced in your work and how did you overcome them?

Questions regarding background and experience are asked to ascertain the applicant's skills and expertise. It is important to be specific about the work you have done and the results you have achieved, and to highlight your strengths. Also, by describing how you overcame difficult situations, you can demonstrate your problem-solving skills.

4. questions that probe character and personality

  • How do people around you rate you?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • When do you feel stressed at work?

Personality and character probing questions are asked to learn about the applicant's personality. It is important to conduct a self-analysis and have an objective view of your own personality and behavioral traits. It is a good idea to convey a good balance of strengths and weaknesses, and to include information on how you handle stress.

5. questions about views on work and vision for the future

  • What type of duties would you like to perform?
  • What do you hope to achieve through your work?
  • What kind of employee would you like to be in five years?

Questions about work perspective and future vision are asked to ascertain the applicant's career aspirations and goals. It is a good idea to request a position that matches your skills and interests, and to speak enthusiastically about what you hope to achieve through your work. It is also important to have a concrete image of your career plan after joining the company and to clearly convey where you see yourself in five years' time.

6. questions regarding self-promotion

  • What do you consider your strengths?
  • How do you think you can use these strengths in your work?
  • How do you want to contribute to the company after joining?

Self-appeal questions are asked to see how the applicant can demonstrate his or her attractiveness. It is effective to clearly communicate your strengths and explain in detail how you can apply them to your work. In addition, talking about your vision of how you will contribute to the company after joining will show that you are highly motivated.

Key to reading pass/fail from the interviewer's reaction

You may be able to read some degree of acceptance or rejection from the interviewer's demeanor. Please refer to the following list of points to gauge the interviewer's response.

Signs that you will be accepted for an interview

If you see the interviewer trying to learn more about the applicant and enthusiastically demonstrating the company's attractiveness, there is a good chance that he or she is open to hiring. You may be able to expect a job offer if you see any of the following signs

  • You will be asked to confirm the date you can join the company.
  • Interview takes longer than scheduled.
  • The interviewer is taking notes frequently.
  • They give you detailed information about the company.
  • They ask for a handshake at the end.

Signs of Failure in an Interview

Conversely, if you sense that the interviewer wants to end the interview early, there may be a good chance that you will not be hired. Unfortunately, a job offer may be difficult to obtain if any of the following signs are present

  • Extremely short interview time
  • A lot of chit-chat, few questions.
  • No send-off and a curt response.
  • Lack of response from interviewees

However, these signs are only a guide and are not necessarily determinative of acceptance or rejection. It is important to reflect on your interview performance as well as the interviewer's reaction. Make sure you are prepared for the interview and go into the interview with confidence.

Interview Preparation Tips

To make a good impression at an interview, it is important to take the interviewer's point of view.

  • Conduct careful company research to deepen your understanding of your company
  • Clarify your motivation for applying and your personal PR.
  • Basic manners (grooming, greetings, language, etc.)
  • Keep a natural smile and soft facial expression.
  • Anticipate common interview questions and prepare a summary of your answers.

Carefully researching the company and deepening your understanding of the company is fundamental to interview preparation. In addition, by clearly defining your reasons for applying for the job and your personal PR, you will be able to accurately convey your attractiveness to the interviewer. It is also important to have basic manners such as grooming, greetings, and language, as well as a natural smile and soft facial expression. In addition, you should anticipate the questions you are likely to be asked during the interview and prepare the outline of your answers so that you can respond flexibly during the interview.

For foreigners who want to work in Japan

Nowadays, foreigners who are looking for a job in Japan may be asking themselves, "I want to work in Japan, but where do I start? Which company is right for me? How can I find a job? How can I find a job?

We will do our best to support your job search in Japan! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.

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    In an interview, it is most important to prepare for the interview from the interviewer's point of view. Research the company carefully, understand the intent of the question, and be sure to answer sincerely. Also, remember to have basic manners, a cheerful expression and a positive attitude.

    For foreign nationals, job interviews at Japanese companies may seem difficult. However, if you can deepen your understanding of the company and the job, and accurately demonstrate your experience and skills, you should be able to get a job offer. Please refer to the points introduced in this article to prepare yourself thoroughly for the interview.

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