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What is Customer Service? Description and types of work

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Foreign woman working in customer service in Japan

Customer service, which involves responding to customer inquiries about products and services, is a position that has become increasingly important in recent years. It is becoming increasingly popular among foreign nationals because it is relatively easy to find employment and remote work is possible.

This article will detail the job description, types of customer service jobs, and the skills required. We will also discuss how to get the best compensation and what it takes to do the job. Whether you are interested in customer service or are already working in the field, this article is packed with useful information, so be sure to read to the end.

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What is Customer Service?

Customer service is a job in companies that provide products and services, responding to questions, opinions, and requests from customers and users, and providing advice and support to resolve problems. Customer service departments exist in companies in almost all industries and business categories, and play an essential role in improving customer satisfaction and corporate image.

Average annual customer service revenue

According to the latest data (updated April 30, 2024) from the salary information website "Job Box Salary Navigator" regarding the average annual salary for customer service, it is approximately 3.95 million yen for full-time employees. This appears to be somewhat lower than the average annual salary for all industries in Japan. When converted to a monthly salary, the result is about 330,000 yen, and the starting salary is about 220,000 yen.

On the other hand, the average hourly wage for temporary workers is 1,448 yen, while the average hourly wage for part-time workers is 1,200 yen, indicating that there are differences in salary levels depending on employment status.

Annual income also appears to vary widely by region. The highest average annual salary is 4.81 million yen in Tokyo, while the lowest is 2.79 million yen in Toyama Prefecture. It is interesting to note that even for the same customer service job, there are differences in salary levels depending on the location.

Furthermore, salaries seem to be influenced by job requirements; for example, beauty-related positions and customer service at a video game company are sometimes paid depending on certain conditions.

Reference:Average annual salary for customer support jobs is 3.95 million yen / Average hourly wage is 1,200 yen! Learn more at Salary Navigator|Job Box

Do I need to be certified in customer service?

There are no required certifications to obtain a job in customer service. However, you can prove your customer service skills by obtaining a private certification called "Kon-ken (Contact Center Certification Examination). The certification test is administered by the "Japan Contact Center Education and Certification Association" and certifies that you have reached a certain level of knowledge of customer service operations and communication skills.

For more information on con inspections, please refer to the following link
Con-ken (Contact Center Certification Test) official website

Although certification is not required, it is an option to try to improve your skills and differentiate yourself.

Customer Service Job Description

Customer service work is very diverse. It includes a great variety of tasks, from handling inquiries about products and services, to handling complaints, to sales promotion. Let's take a closer look at some of the main responsibilities of customer service.

Handling inquiries and complaints

The core of customer service is handling inquiries and complaints about products and services. Through phone calls, emails, chats, and other methods, the customer service representative is required to accurately grasp the questions, doubts, and issues raised by customers and lead them to a solution. Because the nature of the inquiries varies widely, the candidate must have in-depth knowledge of the product or service for which he or she is responsible, as well as the ability to respond quickly and calmly.

In the case of handling complaints, it is especially important to elicit customer satisfaction by responding appropriately while accepting the customer's anger and dissatisfaction. It is essential to listen kindly to the other party's point of view and to be sincere in your efforts to resolve the problem.

Order Acceptance

For mail order companies, taking product orders is an important part of customer service, and since many orders are placed over the phone as well as through websites and apps, it is necessary to be attentive to accurately listen to information to avoid mishearing.

In addition, there are many situations in which you will need to demonstrate your ability to make proposals, not just receptionist duties, such as explaining products in detail, recommending related products, and coordinating delivery dates and times. It is important to accurately grasp the needs of the customer and try to respond to them with a high level of satisfaction.

Hear opinions and suggestions about the company

Customer Service is also responsible for providing feedback to the company on opinions and suggestions received from customers. By listening to honest opinions about products and services as well as corporate policies and attitudes, we can improve services from the customer's perspective and enhance corporate value.

As a bridge between the company and its customers, so to speak, it plays an important role in promoting two-way communication. With an awareness of the need to utilize customer feedback for the growth of the company, we should actively strive to collect information.

Selling products (outbound)

Customer service is not only responsible for responding to "inbound" inquiries from customers. Outbound" customer service is also a part of the customer service business.

It includes a wide range of tasks, such as announcing new product promotions by phone or e-mail, and conducting sales promotions to dormant customers. It is a challenging job that requires good communication skills as well as proposal and sales skills. The ability to accurately grasp the needs of customers greatly determines the outcome of the work.

Examples of Customer Service Jobs

Customer service jobs vary by industry and company. Here are some typical customer service workplaces. You may want to try to find the field that suits you best by visualizing what the job actually entails.

Customer service for e-commerce sites

Large e-commerce sites such as amazon and Yahoo! have large customer service departments. This is because customer service is required at every stage of the process, from product ordering to delivery and returns. Among them, amazon's customer service department is very active in hiring foreign nationals, making it a popular place to put your English skills to good use.

E-commerce customer service handles a wide variety of inquiries, ranging from how to operate the website to detailed product descriptions and delivery status checks. This is a very in-depth job that requires not only knowledge of the products you are responsible for, but also an understanding of web services in general.

Online English Customer Service

With the recent trend toward internationalization, the number of users of online English conversation services is increasing. In line with this trend, foreign staff members are increasingly being used to provide customer service at English conversation schools.

Tasks specific to online English conversation include handling lesson reservations on behalf of the student and answering questions about how to use the materials. This is a challenging and rewarding job where you can fully demonstrate not only your English language skills, but also your cross-cultural communication skills.

Customer Service via Email

If you are not comfortable answering the phone, customer service via email or chat is a great option for you. Because you can take your time to think through your response, it is accurate and easy to understand.

However, it goes without saying that writing skills are required. You must have the skill to accurately understand the content of the customer's inquiry and convey it in a straightforward, to-the-point, and friendly manner. Be aware that the impression of a company can be greatly influenced by the text of an e-mail, so be sure to communicate in a courteous manner.

How do I get paid best for customer service?

If you are going to work in customer service, it is only natural that you want to get paid as much as possible. So what are the best ways to get paid for customer service jobs? Here are some pointers.

Promotion within the company

By working for the same company for a longer period of time, you will become familiar with your assigned tasks and develop a high level of skill. By doing so, you will be able to seize opportunities for promotion and advancement within the company.

For example, it is common to see employees promoted from general customer service positions to management positions such as supervisors and managers. If you are recognized for your leadership in organizing a team and your ability to suggest improvements to the business, you may be able to earn higher compensation. It is important to work diligently at your daily work and continue to improve your skills.

Career advancement by changing jobs

On the other hand, one effective way to step up your career is by moving to another company. By gaining customer service experience in multiple industries and companies, you can acquire a variety of operational knowledge and skills.

Alternatively, as a customer service specialist, you may want to move to a company where you can demonstrate a high level of expertise. Companies that offer more specialized and value-added services tend to pay more. One option is to look for a company where you can utilize your strengths and try to change jobs.

What it takes to work in customer service

In customer service work, human communication is of the utmost importance. So what points should you keep in mind during the actual work? Here are some points to keep in mind when working in customer service.

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treat (someone) with kindness

Customer service is all about communication between people. In addition to the quality of service provided, the attitude of "how to communicate" is also extremely important.

When handling complaints, be especially attentive to the customer's feelings and listen to what they have to say in a friendly manner. A calm and sincere attitude toward customers, who tend to be emotional, will lead to trust.

Speak in an audible voice

When answering the phone, it is most important to speak in a voice that is easy to understand. Be aware of not only your smoothness, but also the appropriate volume and speed of your voice, and the warmth of your speech.

It is also important to be willing to listen slowly and carefully without interrupting the other person or speaking too quickly. We should try to be sincere in our responses, standing in the other person's shoes and listening with kindness.

Listen carefully to what the other person has to say

Customer service is most important in accurately identifying customer needs. To do this, it is essential to be able to listen to what they have to say and understand their true intentions.

Be attentive to the thoughts and feelings that are contained in the words and phrases, not merely the superficial words. Sometimes, by being a "good listener," you will be able to open the other person's mind and get to the heart of the matter. It is important to think from the other person's point of view and make appropriate suggestions and advice.

For foreigners who want to work in Japan

Nowadays, foreigners who are looking for a job in Japan may be asking themselves, "I want to work in Japan, but where do I start? Which company is right for me? How can I find a job? How can I find a job?

We will do our best to support your job search in Japan! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.

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    Customer service work is an occupation where communication between people is of the utmost importance. In addition to product knowledge and business skills, you must have an attitude of being attentive to the feelings of others and a willingness to listen to them in a friendly manner. In order to receive the best compensation, it is effective to either steadily develop your career within the company or to change jobs with a higher level of expertise. This is a challenging and rewarding job for foreign nationals as well, where they can make use of their language skills.

    Customer service plays an important role as the face of a company. I would like to work on my daily tasks with the pride and satisfaction of contributing to the satisfaction of customers and the enhancement of corporate value.

    The following related articles should be of interest to foreign nationals who are looking for a job in customer service. It explains in detail the overall process of job search, specific job-hunting know-how, and information on job sites and recruitment agents that you can use. Please check them out as well.

    How foreigners can find a job in Japan! Preparation before the interview is also explained.
    The Complete Guide to Finding a Job in Japan! Finding a job, changing jobs, and part-time work for foreigners

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