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What does "懇意 (koni)" mean in Business x Japanese? Paraphrases, thesauruses and example sentences.

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You have probably heard the phrase "懇意 (koni)" in business situations. You may have seen this expression in business letters or e-mails, such as "懇意 (koni). Since these words are rarely used in daily conversation, many people may be confused about their exact meaning and usage. Some may also feel that they would like to know more about how to read kanji characters and paraphrase expressions.

This article details the meaning and reading of the term 懇意, as well as its correct usage in business situations, example sentences, and even thesauruses and paraphrases. Please read to the end.

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How to read Japanese "懇意 (koni)" and what does it mean?

First of all, "懇意" is read as "こんい". The Chinese character "懇" is not often used in daily conversation, so many people may not have a quick idea of how to read it. The word "kon" has the meaning of "wholeheartedly" or "carefully.

The Japanese meaning of "懇意" is twofold.

The first is meant when referring to relationships between people. It refers to a mutual familiarity, friendship, and closeness. It means that they have known each other for many years and trust each other.

The second meaning expresses a feeling or attitude toward the other party. It refers to treating others with sincerity and politeness, and being considerate and kind. It can be said that this word expresses how one cares about the other person and treats him or her with sincerity.

Thus, the term "懇意" can be used to describe a close and friendly relationship and consideration for others.

In English, it can be translated as "familiar," "friendly," "favorable," "well disposed" and so on. They all have the nuance of familiarity or fondness.

In business situations, it is often used as a polite expression, such as "We are making it 懇意" or "We are making it 懇意. It is used to express a good relationship with a business partner or to express gratitude.

懇意" is also used as an idiomatic expression, as in "懇意 friendship" or "懇意 relationship". You often see the following example sentences in actual business e-mails.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making us 懇意 for so many years."

In this example sentence, the idiom "懇意" is used directly to say "Thank you for making 懇意". It politely expresses gratitude for the close relationship with the business partner.

Thus, it is one of the most useful expressions to express gratitude and respect to others in business situations.

If you want to know more about ◆Business Japanese, check out the following articles!

Paraphrases and synonyms for "懇意 (koni)

There are many paraphrases and thesauruses of 懇意, so it is useful to remember them so you can use them in different situations. 懇意 paraphrases and thesauruses include the following

  • Friendly: Indicates that you are in a close relationship with the other person and have a strong trust relationship.
  • Close: It means that you have a close and friendly relationship with the other party.
  • Intimate: Indicates that you are very close to the other person and close at heart.
  • Close: Indicates that you are physically and psychologically close to the other person and have a close relationship.
  • Friendly: Describes the warmth of the person and the impression of friendliness.

These words can be used for different occasions and purposes. For example, in a business situation, they may be used as follows.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making us 懇意 for so many years."
→ "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship and support over the years."

I would like to thank you again for your support and your 懇意 relationship with us."
→We would like to thank you again for your support and for your intimate relationship with us."

By choosing appropriate words in this way, you can convey in detail the nuances of your relationship with the other party and your feelings toward them.

Be careful in using "懇意 (koni)" in business.

When using "懇意" in business situations, please note the following

  • 懇意" is a term that assumes a close relationship with the other party. Therefore, it should not be used with people you have never met or with whom you have not had much interaction, but only after a certain level of trust has been established.
  • When using "懇意," it is important to consider your relationship with the person you are addressing. When using "懇意" for a superior or someone in a higher position, it is best to use a respectful expression, such as "懇意 for you.
  • 懇意" is a term used to describe a close relationship, but in a business setting, care should be taken not to confuse it with a private relationship. It should only be used to describe a good working relationship.

Thus, "懇意" is a useful expression for facilitating relationships in business situations, but it should be used with caution. Use it appropriately, taking into consideration your relationship with the other party and the situation.

Usage and examples of business genealogy for "懇意(koni)"

From here, let's look at some specific examples of how "懇意" is actually used in business situations. Although the word is somewhat difficult, please look at the examples to get an idea of how it is used.

How to use "懇意" in business, example sentences (1)

When expressing appreciation for maintaining a good relationship with a business partner's representative

Thank you very much, Mr. Suzuki. I look forward to our continued 懇意 relationship."

In this example, we use the expression "懇意 further relationship" to indicate our close relationship with Mr. Suzuki and our intention to continue that relationship in the future.

How to use "懇意" in business, example sentences (2)

When expressing gratitude to a long-time business partner for a good relationship

Thank you, Tanaka Corporation, for your long-standing 懇意 business with us. We look forward to your continued patronage."

In this example sentence, we use the expression "懇意 business relationship" to express our longstanding and close business relationship with Mr. Tanaka of K.K. We then express our gratitude for that relationship and our desire for continued business in the future.

How to use "懇意" in business, example sentences (3)

When expressing gratitude for the support and cooperation you have received from your supervisors and seniors in the company

Thank you, Director Sato, for your input on our new project the other day. I appreciate your 懇意 relationship with my department head."

In this example, we express our gratitude to Director Sato for his input on the new project, and we express our appreciation for the close relationship we have with him by using the phrase "懇意 further relationship".

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In this article, we have explained in detail the meaning and usage of the term "懇意," which is often used in business situations.

懇意" is a word that expresses the close relationship between people and their consideration for others. In business situations, using this word can indicate a good relationship with the other party and convey a sense of gratitude. However, when using it, it is important to consider the relationship and situation with the other party and use it appropriately and with respect.

懇意" may not be a common phrase in everyday conversation, but in business situations it can be useful in facilitating relationships. Being considerate of others and choosing appropriate words will help build good relationships.

Please understand the meaning and usage of "懇意" introduced in this article and try to use it in business situations. It will deepen your relationship of trust with others and facilitate smooth communication.

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